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Sunday, October 30, 2022


Happy Sunday unto you, dear beloved. I believe you are still well and in good health. 

After some time, Paul said to Barnabas, "Let's go back and visit each city where we previously preached the word of the Lord, to see how the new believers are doing." Barnabas agreed and wanted to take along John Mark. But Paul disagreed strongly, since John Mark had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not continued with them in their work. Their disagreement was so sharp that they separated. Barnabas took John Mark with him and sailed for Cyprus. - Acts of the Apostles 15:36‭-‬39 NLT

I'm drawn to relationship lessons because I strongly believe that understanding people is the most important life skill. One I find has so many lessons is the one between Barnabas and Paul, in fact I think Barnabas was underrated.

For instance, notice how Paul had a problem with Barnabas when he gave John Mark a second chance, I personally think Paul was not an easy personality do deal with and this doesn't take away from the call of God upon his life but I have reasons to believe the Apostle was a difficult man to relate with and now I see how I used to be similar to Paul until a process of disgrace which dealt with my self-righteousness and led me to understand grace well!

Now, here's what fascinates me about Paul and Barnabas: they were brought together through fasting and prayer. This is when Holy Spirit confirmed their God ordained partnership, sadly they separate because of feelings (Acts 13).

To all of you who are reading this, never walk away from a God ordained relationship without getting divine clearance. And yes, sometimes divine clearance is given to preserve destinies, I have a story to tell about this! After their separation, there were now two missions instead of one, so twice as many people were reached separation is not always an evil agenda!

Saturday, October 29, 2022


It can be easy to lose your peace when your focus is on all the trouble in the world. Trust me, I've been there. I've learned that true peace comes from personally knowing the living God. When God's spirit dwells deep inside of you, your heart and mind is shielded from the chaos of the world. I thank God that His perfect love casts out all fear. I thank God that He gives His children personal assignments to reach a broken world for His glory. With all that being said, this is me smiling because I know God hears our prayers, I know God sees every tear, I know God is working even when we don't see it, and I know how this story ends. 


Happy Saturday beloved, welcome this weekend with a smile! Remember; Live each moment completely, enjoy the wander, and enjoy the beauty of each moment. 


1. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

2. the state of being whole and undivided

The word integrity evolved from the Latin adjective integer, meaning whole or complete as a virtue which is character. It is defined as "an undivided or unbroken completeness" or "a state of being complete or whole." #integrityiseverything #probity #honestyisthebestpolicy #virtueandgoodness #livestronglivewell

Friday, October 28, 2022


Happy Friday beloved friends. I hope you all had a productive week! The key to success lies in leveraging relationships, maximising on your network and building a strong army of support around you. You must realise that God uses people to achieve most His work. The Bible tells us we are His workmanship (poiema), work of His hands, created unto good works.

Having learnt of such need for people, there are 3 human figures that everyone needs life in order to fulfill God's purpose for their life on earth and live a fulfilling life.

1. Moses the father figure

Their role is to nurture and guide the son in you. Part of that is to enforce accountability. An unaccountable person is like a loaded gun in the hands of a child. Humans since Eden don't like accountability, unfortunately without this role we have seen many anointed, talents, gifted and intelligent men fail and falter in basic issues of life (marriage, career, ministry etc.) Fathers do 3 main things: Discipline, disciple and direct. The Bible is filled with many such examples: Moses to Joshua, Eli to Samuel, Elijah to Elisha, Jesus to the disciples, Paul to Timothy.  

2. Jonathan the covenant brother

God created and wired us for friendship, yet sin has broken friendships and relationships. We can be tempted to have superficial friendships instead of real ones and to hide from real friendships because we are cynical about the possibility that they can exist. The Bible tells us that David and Jonathan were "tied and knit in spirit" and loved each other selflessly. The role of Jonathan's is to carry you across to your destiny at a practical level no matter the cost. I pray that God may restore this type of men, destiny helpers. While fathers give you blueprints, brothers will walk with you as teammates. Your success is their success.

3. Timothy: Son in faith

For every Moses there must be a Joshua. The need for them is that oil flows into empty vessels. When you run out of vessels then the oil ceases. You are blessed to be a blessing. They help to keep you young and relevant. They fuel your hunger for more. They are your pay it forward channel. Sons carry your legacy; they are runners of the vision. They are a self-correction mechanism. They tend to be an extension of your life journey. A king without a nation is like a successful man without a son or mentee! #honourpeople #respectthoseaboveyou #behumble #bewillingtolearn #observe #dontletpridecloudyourjudgement

Thursday, October 27, 2022


Happy Thursday unto you dear friend. I believe you are still fine and in good health. Sunrise gives glorious greetings in everyone's heart. Always, remember this: be thankful for each day, vutomi hi ntalo! It's a journey of goodwill and treasure, appreciate!

There are three things which you can never recover or regain from. The "words" after they are said, the "moment" after it is missed, and lastly the "time" after it is gone. Whenever a person remembers you only in time of their need, don't worry. The importance of a candle is only known when there's darkness. Life is a brief pause between life and death; live with purpose. #stayonyourpurpose #justareminder #enjoyyourday

Tuesday, October 25, 2022


Blissful Tuesday beloved, saying "yes" to love leaves no room for hate. Choose to love, to bless, forgive, be kind and above all choose God to guide you! 

Thinking about what Jesus has done on the Cross should help us value one another, do away with selfishness, let love for people saturate you. Keep love and kindness in your heart. #loveoneanother #bekind #loveofGod #honourothers #treatpeoplewell

Monday, October 24, 2022


Dear friend, I wish you a happy new week. I hope you are still well and in good health. Don't rely on people to support the weight of your disappointments. Talk to God about it. He is our help in any time of trouble

I am so proud of how far I have come! Taking steps ordered by God. My words of growth today are: "Do what you have been called by God to do."

Not everyone will understand.
Not everyone will approve.
Not everyone will applaud.
Not everyone will affirm.
Not everyone will celebrate.
Not everyone will support it.
Not everyone will stay.
Not everyone will encourage.

But nonetheless, do what you are called to do. #livepurposefully #stayaligned #haveclearvision #liveyourdream #beencouraged #believeit #itwillsoonmakesense #stayonyourpurpose

Sunday, October 23, 2022


Happy Sunday people of God! I hope you are still well and in good health. May God bless your thoughts and the heart of your mind to the glory of God! 

"What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter." - Isaiah 5:20 NLT

It truly makes me think of today's world and what state we are currently living in and surrounded by. Stay strong and rooted in God's word, He is our voice of truth, and our firm foundation. He is the same today, yesterday, and always.

Friday, October 21, 2022


Happy Friday beloved. It's time to wrap off the week with a smile. Clap for yourself, you did it. Have a restful weekend!

The Bible tells us of an interesting event in Acts 20:7-12. It was Paul's last night in this village, so he wanted to impart as much as possible, thus a farewell party which was an intimate moment which was arranged on the third floor of the building.

There was young man named Eutychus (meaning lucky or fortunate) who sat next to the window, he fell asleep and fell through the window and died. Paul raised him up and finished the party then left. 

A few lessons from this farewell that nearly ended in tragedy:

1. Discerning the time

Failure to recognise the time or season may cause you to make a wrong decision that may result in inappropriate action thus sabotaging your dream, vision, destiny or purpose. All we know is that Eutychus slept in the middle of a very powerful speech (since it was Paul's last words). In the same way, I've seen a lot of people expend their energy and money on less important things or being overwhelmed by peer pressure, achievements and success that are the season or time.

The Bible guarantees us that "time and chance" happens to all (Ecclesiastes 9:11). The difference between you and the person who has succeeded in life could be failing to understand the season and time due to smoke screen of temporary pleasure. The difference between Isaac (God's provision) and Ishmael (Human effort to meet mimic God's provision) is timing: Isaac was God's timing while Ishmael was human timing). 

I pray that the exuberance of youth, immaturity of age and excitement of the moment will not blind you to God's timing for your life.

2. Sensitivity of chance

Eutychus, was sitting in the best position in the house, at the window. Window symbolises opportunity, connection, channel and revelation or future. He was at the door of opportunity, favoured and graced with a special moment of connection or network and privileged to be a channel of blessings for future generations. My experience has taught me that most distractions are at the peak of breakthrough or at the brink of delivery and at the height of pain when you are vulnerable. The sensitivity of chance or window is that failure to seize it might be to your demise (death of dream, end of era and shattered future). 

There was only one stone between David's success and being murdered by Goliath, only one chance. We are not always guaranteed a return of the same opportunity. For instance, Jesus tells a story about a party of ten virgins, perhaps bridesmaids or torchbearers for a procession, chosen to participate in a wedding. 5 of the foolish ones lost the opportunity to participate in the coming of the bridegroom because they failed to discern the sensitivity of time and chance they had. 

I pray that you will learn to know the sensitivity of chance and recognise that it might be the last one; So, give it your best!

Lastly, Eutychus slept; we know through Samson that sleeping at an opportune moment is a sign of sloppiness that can lead to distraction. A sleeping giant is as useless as a dead dog. Sleeping is necessary but the difference lies in the timing. Hence, the 5 bridesmaids who slept lost their position in the feast. #dontbeignorant #respectimeandchance #giveyourbest #beencouraged #dontgiveupyetyouralmostthere

Wednesday, October 19, 2022


How amazing is God? Recently been experiencing a lot of anxiety. This year has me thinking more than I'd like because I struggle to thrive in circumstances I don't feel I can control. However, God literally removed everything I had been carrying for the past few weeks as I prayed for better days. Because He is the way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper and light in the darkness, I pondered, "Wow, why did I take so long to bring this before God?"

See what the Bible says, "Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall." - Psalms 55:22 NLT

Monday, October 17, 2022


Happy new week, dearest. I hope you are still well and in good health. I don't know about you, but I've made up in my mind that failure is going to have to work very hard if it's stepping into the ring with my faith! 

One can only be grateful to God. It gets uneasy at times but keep pushing. Keep your dreams alive, think about it everyday and see it as it unfolds with time. #bodymindandsoulflourish #happyweek

Sunday, October 16, 2022


Happy Sunday, beloved, from God's adoring love. I hope you're still healthy and happy. Lord, you found me worthy and qualified me despite my lack of merit.

Are you aware of how much God adores you? Before you respond, I want you to be aware that I am not referring to a theoretical understanding in which you read about His love in social media, blog, or other online article. I am not even referring to the love ideology that you may have read about in the Bible. I'm referring to the fact that you have experiential knowledge where you experience His love tangibly. Where you get consumed by His affection and passion for you.

I'm referring to the kind of love that makes you weep whenever you get down on your knees because you realise how unworthy you are of it. I'm referring to the kind of love that protected and supported you. The kind of love that brought you healing. The kind of love that helped you get through whatever would make your life miserable! The kind of love that pushes you to grow and improve yourself. The kind of love that brings comfort in difficult circumstances, hope in difficult times, courage in difficult times, and tranquility in chaotic ones. Therefore, I ask you once more: Do you know that God loves you? Because if you do, that ought to be sufficient to help you get through whatever it is that you are going through!

This song has been ministering to me all weekend and I thought I should share it. We truly serve a God who cares enough about us to shield us from the evil that the enemy intended for us! Encourage yourself, my friend, brother, and sister!

God is so kind to me, He is so kind to me, and I have no doubt that He is also kind to you! #gracekept #loyallove #generouslove #havefaithinGod #believeinGod #staywithGod #happysundayeveryone #explorepage #enjoylife #graceofGod

Friday, October 14, 2022


Happy Friday beloved, I missed you all so much! I hope that you are still well and in good health. I have learned that through prayer, our perspective about who we are in God changes. Taking time out away from our comfortable beds has never been in vain. We are forever in pursuit of God and our strength gets renewed everyday!

So, they went straight to the king and reminded him about his law. "Did you not sign a law that for the next thirty days any person who prays to anyone, divine or human, except to you, Your Majesty, will be thrown into the den of lions?" "Yes," the king replied, "that decision stands; it is an official law of the Medes and Persians that cannot be revoked." - Daniel 6:12 NLT

The Bible speaks of a time when an entire parliamentary body got together to discuss a young man by the name Daniel. And in their hour-long deliberations they came out and said, "Daniel, all we want you to do is stop praying for 30 days." They didn't say they will attack Daniel; they just asked him to stop engaging God! Dear beloved, there's power in prayer!

And how did Daniel respond? The Bible says, "...he went home and knelt down as usual in his upstairs room, with its windows open toward Jerusalem. He prayed three times a day, just as he had always done, giving thanks to his God." - Daniel 6:10 NLT

Remember, when the temple was being dedicated, Solomon laid a covenant and said, "Whoever prays facing Jerusalem, oh God, my covenant is that you may hear them!" (1 Kings 8:30). He didn't place a condition that the prayer needed to be accurate but that the direction needed to be right! Face Jerusalem! And so, Daniel not only prayed but prayed in the right direction! There's power in prayer and even greater power in obedience to divine instructions! #powerofprayer #lookuntoGod

Monday, October 10, 2022


Blessed new week unto you, beloved. I trust you are still well and in good health. The temporary circumstances of life can be ugly, but life itself is always eternally beautiful. The air we breathe. The sky we see. The wind we feel. The sounds of nature we hear. Never forget, it's all a miracle.

It's all an impossibility. It's all magical, this experience of life. Don't get sucked into the micro view of challenges and problems too long.

Zoom out. Remember that this experience of life is an incredible blessing. At times, we live in tough times. But in all times, we live in a miracle, a wonder we call life, we call a world, we call a universe.

In the midst of a troubled humanity, we are awake in the divine dream of our Creator. We all must navigate the world in its brokenness, but we should not do so at the expense of losing sight of a world alive in wonder, divinity, and perfection.

Through the cracks, the blemishes and the brokenness, remains the perfect, the beautiful, the whole. #changeyourperception #seelifedifferently #lifeisbeautiful #dontbetroubled #havefaith #zoomout

Sunday, October 9, 2022


Happy Sunday dear beloved. I hope you are still well and in good health. I recently came to the realisation that the dominating thoughts of our minds will eventually reproduce themselves in outward, physical action and gradually transform themselves into physical reality. 

Many times, we fail to maintain consistency in our prayer lives because we base our spiritual activities on emotion! You need to be more systematic than you are emotional. Because believe it or not, one day you'll wake and not feel like praying, not feel like spending time in the word.

Feeling is fleeting! So, the question is: What is the system you have put in place for Bible study? At what time do you pray? The Bible says, "...early morning everyday Jesus would pray" (Mark 1:35). Early morning! That was a time frame, lodged into His everyday system. 

What is yours? Your system to aid consistent prayer? How many minutes or hours do you set aside everyday for your spiritual commitment? Or do you pray for 30 minutes or 2 hours one day then pray again after 3 weeks? Anyone that told you that prayer is comfortable and convenient lied to you. Prayer has nothing to do with emotions. Create a system that not even your emotions can easily tamper with, stick to it and run with it! #happysunday #praymoreretreat #disciplineyourprayerlifestyle #dontlazytopray #setgoodprayersystem

Friday, October 7, 2022

Be cool, calm and collected.

Happy Friday beloved, I hope you are still well and in good health. No one or anything can convince me that God isn't extremely detailed and intentional! I pray that your life may continue being colourful and of a pleasant aroma in every way. Your light isn't to be compared to, negotiated or dimmed. You are altogether lovely. May God's plan for your life be fulfilled down to the last detail.

"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." - Matthew 6:34 MSG

Our present doesn't have to and often won't be perfect to be beautiful. Step back into your day calm and refreshed after allowing your racing thoughts to return to this moment, taking a deep breath, and reconnecting with your positive intentions.

Mindfulness puts a lot of emphasis on paying attention in the present moment, and not dwelling on thoughts about the past or the future. But being present takes on a whole new level of meaning when we consider that God is present with us. #bepositive #havefaith #enjoyfriday #havegoodvibes #thinkbig #behopeful #liveyourpurpose #beinspired #liveyourlegacy #lifehopeinspired

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Called to reflect the glory of God.

A humbled soul knows how to maintain humbleness. The nature of love is pure, it purifies and humbles.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

0% Perfect, 100% Forgiven!

Today I am absolutely loving and crushing on myself. Looking at God's goodness in absolute awe of how great He is! How everything is made perfect in His time. It's easy to overlook yourself sometimes, to forget your goodness, your greatness and your strength. Life tries to knock us down every chance it gets, but we keep getting up, brushing ourselves off and winning!

Today I posted this to remind you and myself that: You're right on time. And exactly where you're supposed to be. Please don't ever feel like you are late or behind, remember that you can only go where God has intended for you to go and only in His time!

The Bible says, "For you, a thousand years are as a passing day, as brief as a few night hours." - Psalms 90:4 NLT

Monday, October 3, 2022


Happy new week dearest. I believe that you all are still great and healthy. A state of mindfulness breeds precision and thankfulness. Through your perseverance others will learn how to persevere. 

Who you are becoming is more important than who you've been. When your mistakes keep calling to remind you of what God has already forgiven you for, let that go to voicemail, the devil will tell you a lie in your own voice.

If you can try do just one thing this week, l would say try to forgive yourself and give yourself a little grace for your past mistakes and leap into your tomorrow with the belief that you deserve all the good things this life has to offer, that you deserve to be whole, loved, healed, anointed and chosen, that you are a good thing and are becoming even greater. #happymonday #mondaywordsofcare #changeyourperception #seelifedifferently #dontbetroubled #havefaith

Sunday, October 2, 2022


Happy Sunday people of God! I hope you are still well and in good health. This is the constant reminder to keep chasing, to dream bigger because settling for less just won't do. While having to remind myself to live in today, experience the moment, be present, to stop worrying about tomorrow for I am living in what I prayed for.

"So, Jotham became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God." - 2 Chronicles 27:6 KJV

It is written, Jotham became mighty and the Bible gives reason to this by stating that, "For he prepared his ways before God." If the Bible says he "became" it means that he was not so great at first.

There is a certain grace and power that God releases upon those who are led by His spirit and this power allows them to become what they are not. Regardless of your background, the spirit of the Lord is able to transform you into someone great.

It is always my prayer that we never stop "becoming." That in every area of our lives we continue to blossom into the masterpiece that the Lord predestined us for. I pray we continue to transform into the being of Christ both in character and being that as He looks at us, all He sees is a reflection of who He is. #reflection #becoming #throughgrace #blessed #favouredbyGod #stayinfaith

Saturday, October 1, 2022


Hello October! You once again remind me of the beauty of change. Year by year I deeply surrender to your lessons and will continue to let go of all that no longer serves me with each dancing leaf.

There is something beautiful and revitalising about October. When the leaves fall the world surrenders. Letting go of the pieces and parts that can no longer serve in a positive way. Trees hold strong to their core and survive the storms; but every good tree knows that as time goes by, the leaves will come back and we all get to start again.

#hellooctober #1stoctober #change #changeisgood #yourtimewillcome #havefaith #bepositive #behumble #waitupon #haveanicemonth #alive #aliveisawesome #lessons #lifelessons #sunset #awesomeness #beautifulthoughts


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...