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Sunday, October 16, 2022


Happy Sunday, beloved, from God's adoring love. I hope you're still healthy and happy. Lord, you found me worthy and qualified me despite my lack of merit.

Are you aware of how much God adores you? Before you respond, I want you to be aware that I am not referring to a theoretical understanding in which you read about His love in social media, blog, or other online article. I am not even referring to the love ideology that you may have read about in the Bible. I'm referring to the fact that you have experiential knowledge where you experience His love tangibly. Where you get consumed by His affection and passion for you.

I'm referring to the kind of love that makes you weep whenever you get down on your knees because you realise how unworthy you are of it. I'm referring to the kind of love that protected and supported you. The kind of love that brought you healing. The kind of love that helped you get through whatever would make your life miserable! The kind of love that pushes you to grow and improve yourself. The kind of love that brings comfort in difficult circumstances, hope in difficult times, courage in difficult times, and tranquility in chaotic ones. Therefore, I ask you once more: Do you know that God loves you? Because if you do, that ought to be sufficient to help you get through whatever it is that you are going through!

This song has been ministering to me all weekend and I thought I should share it. We truly serve a God who cares enough about us to shield us from the evil that the enemy intended for us! Encourage yourself, my friend, brother, and sister!

God is so kind to me, He is so kind to me, and I have no doubt that He is also kind to you! #gracekept #loyallove #generouslove #havefaithinGod #believeinGod #staywithGod #happysundayeveryone #explorepage #enjoylife #graceofGod


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...