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Friday, October 28, 2022


Happy Friday beloved friends. I hope you all had a productive week! The key to success lies in leveraging relationships, maximising on your network and building a strong army of support around you. You must realise that God uses people to achieve most His work. The Bible tells us we are His workmanship (poiema), work of His hands, created unto good works.

Having learnt of such need for people, there are 3 human figures that everyone needs life in order to fulfill God's purpose for their life on earth and live a fulfilling life.

1. Moses the father figure

Their role is to nurture and guide the son in you. Part of that is to enforce accountability. An unaccountable person is like a loaded gun in the hands of a child. Humans since Eden don't like accountability, unfortunately without this role we have seen many anointed, talents, gifted and intelligent men fail and falter in basic issues of life (marriage, career, ministry etc.) Fathers do 3 main things: Discipline, disciple and direct. The Bible is filled with many such examples: Moses to Joshua, Eli to Samuel, Elijah to Elisha, Jesus to the disciples, Paul to Timothy.  

2. Jonathan the covenant brother

God created and wired us for friendship, yet sin has broken friendships and relationships. We can be tempted to have superficial friendships instead of real ones and to hide from real friendships because we are cynical about the possibility that they can exist. The Bible tells us that David and Jonathan were "tied and knit in spirit" and loved each other selflessly. The role of Jonathan's is to carry you across to your destiny at a practical level no matter the cost. I pray that God may restore this type of men, destiny helpers. While fathers give you blueprints, brothers will walk with you as teammates. Your success is their success.

3. Timothy: Son in faith

For every Moses there must be a Joshua. The need for them is that oil flows into empty vessels. When you run out of vessels then the oil ceases. You are blessed to be a blessing. They help to keep you young and relevant. They fuel your hunger for more. They are your pay it forward channel. Sons carry your legacy; they are runners of the vision. They are a self-correction mechanism. They tend to be an extension of your life journey. A king without a nation is like a successful man without a son or mentee! #honourpeople #respectthoseaboveyou #behumble #bewillingtolearn #observe #dontletpridecloudyourjudgement


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...