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Friday, October 21, 2022


Happy Friday beloved. It's time to wrap off the week with a smile. Clap for yourself, you did it. Have a restful weekend!

The Bible tells us of an interesting event in Acts 20:7-12. It was Paul's last night in this village, so he wanted to impart as much as possible, thus a farewell party which was an intimate moment which was arranged on the third floor of the building.

There was young man named Eutychus (meaning lucky or fortunate) who sat next to the window, he fell asleep and fell through the window and died. Paul raised him up and finished the party then left. 

A few lessons from this farewell that nearly ended in tragedy:

1. Discerning the time

Failure to recognise the time or season may cause you to make a wrong decision that may result in inappropriate action thus sabotaging your dream, vision, destiny or purpose. All we know is that Eutychus slept in the middle of a very powerful speech (since it was Paul's last words). In the same way, I've seen a lot of people expend their energy and money on less important things or being overwhelmed by peer pressure, achievements and success that are the season or time.

The Bible guarantees us that "time and chance" happens to all (Ecclesiastes 9:11). The difference between you and the person who has succeeded in life could be failing to understand the season and time due to smoke screen of temporary pleasure. The difference between Isaac (God's provision) and Ishmael (Human effort to meet mimic God's provision) is timing: Isaac was God's timing while Ishmael was human timing). 

I pray that the exuberance of youth, immaturity of age and excitement of the moment will not blind you to God's timing for your life.

2. Sensitivity of chance

Eutychus, was sitting in the best position in the house, at the window. Window symbolises opportunity, connection, channel and revelation or future. He was at the door of opportunity, favoured and graced with a special moment of connection or network and privileged to be a channel of blessings for future generations. My experience has taught me that most distractions are at the peak of breakthrough or at the brink of delivery and at the height of pain when you are vulnerable. The sensitivity of chance or window is that failure to seize it might be to your demise (death of dream, end of era and shattered future). 

There was only one stone between David's success and being murdered by Goliath, only one chance. We are not always guaranteed a return of the same opportunity. For instance, Jesus tells a story about a party of ten virgins, perhaps bridesmaids or torchbearers for a procession, chosen to participate in a wedding. 5 of the foolish ones lost the opportunity to participate in the coming of the bridegroom because they failed to discern the sensitivity of time and chance they had. 

I pray that you will learn to know the sensitivity of chance and recognise that it might be the last one; So, give it your best!

Lastly, Eutychus slept; we know through Samson that sleeping at an opportune moment is a sign of sloppiness that can lead to distraction. A sleeping giant is as useless as a dead dog. Sleeping is necessary but the difference lies in the timing. Hence, the 5 bridesmaids who slept lost their position in the feast. #dontbeignorant #respectimeandchance #giveyourbest #beencouraged #dontgiveupyetyouralmostthere


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...