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Monday, December 26, 2022


New week blessings unto you, dear beloved. I hope you are still well and in good health. It's a brand-new week to live, laugh, be happy, give thanks for blessings, love and smile. May God bless you and your loved ones and keep you safe. This is the last week of the year, own it! 

Please take note: Avoid as much as you can people who will sit with you and happily criticise another person, they normally thrive on gossip, simply those who gossip will normally gossip about you too in earshot. What's worse, gossip travels fast spreading from person to person.

Often, it can even get back to the person you were talking about in the first place, a sure-fire way to ruin a relationship and destroy someone's reputation. Gossipers are easy to spot and some thrive on it for years. Great leaders realise trust is built on fairness and transparency. They never succumb to the tendency to gossip, however tempting.

Nonetheless, remain focused and put on the amour of integrity.

Sunday, December 25, 2022


Happy Christmas to everyone. I love and wish everyone the best. It's a lovely day! And God's incredible love and mercies make it all possible.

God is a loving God! When this truth becomes real to you, you can believe Him and receive more from Him. A lot of times we pray to meet God's power when in actual fact, what we really need is to experience His love!

God's love conquers even His power. His power is controlled by His love. In John 3:16, the Bible says, "For God so loved the world that He gave..." rather than, "For God was powerful or mighty that He gave..." Love is more powerful than power. Power can go far but not as far as love can go. When power gets tired it is love that carries it along. Jesus had power, but it wasn't enough to get Him to the cross. It is love that sustained His journey and enabled Him to fulfill and accomplish His mission. Love is the greatest force of all. Love covers a multitude of sins. Love is God! #Godislove #Godcares #Godlovesyou

Saturday, December 24, 2022


Happy Saturday beloved, I missed you all a lot! I believe you are still well and in good health. I pray you find the courage to be honest with yourself, especially about yourself. My back is against the wall, but I outclass these problems, always. 

A gentle reminder this festive season: Resist the urge to obsessively compare your life journey; which you know intimately well, to other people's highlight reels, which you only see in passing! 

Realign yourself for 2023! You don't always have to be on autopilot! Take some time out this weekend and just root yourself in God's word. Plan your 2023, write your visions down like the Bible instructs us to, but most importantly, start working on those areas of your life that you felt were lacking or fell short this year. Start your journey of healing, so that next year you don't go through life feeling how you felt now. I'm dedicating my 2023 to self-empowerment, growth and healing. 

What are you hoping for in 2023? #chooselove #takecareofyourself #christmaseve #happyholidays2022 #festivetime #enjoyyourselves #besafeeveryone #drivesafe #beresponsible #arrivealive #believeinyourself #youwillmakeit #growthmindset #explorepage #dontrushtheprocess #followyourpassion

Wednesday, December 14, 2022


Good evening beloved, I believe you are still well and in good health. The power of your mind is amazing! Stimulate your mind with deep thoughts and dreams. The gift of life is in your mind, live it consciously!

Take note 📝: Read at least 10 pages before going to bed. A habit that I picked up in the last 4 months is turning into a behaviour.

- Better vocabulary (In turns more fruitful conversations).
- Higher patience and concentrated listening (Critical in a customer-facing environment).
- Improved Knowledge (Adds a different perspective over individuals thinking).
- Learning from others experiences than self-failures.
- Less stress and a great feeling of achievement.

Here are some of the titles that I enjoyed the most:
- The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness Book by Morgan Housel
- Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones Book by James Clear
-Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini

Feel free to leave recommendations, I'll be happy to check them out. #readingbooks #readingisfun📚 #learning #health #environment #power #psychology #money #happiness

Tuesday, December 13, 2022


Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. Book by Simon Sinek. Here are 5 lessons I have learnt. 

1. Understand the "Golden Circle" 

The author looks at exceptional leaders who have always thought differently from common people and that is what has brought them success. He says it is important to understand how these great minds think. He shares in the book that inspirational leaders start by identifying their purpose, cause, or vision.

He defines the concept of a "Golden Circle" in the book. It starts with a vision (the "Why"), then moves to implementation (the "How"), and then conquers the product or service (the "What"). The "why" factor is a justification for a company to exist, it explains how things are done in the company and how decisions are made.

2. Inspiration is the Key to Influence People

- The author here talks about how inspiration works better than manipulation. Manipulation such as dropping the price, blinking texts, using fear, peer pressure, promotions, these lead to short term gains but cost more over a longer period of time. If people understand what truly inspires you and understand why you wish to sell a product, that is the key to influence people, build an image, and make a close connection to your audience. People should feel compelled to buy your product in the sense that they feel they really need it and genuinely resonate with the message behind it.

"Great leaders inspire people to act. Those who truly lead create a following of people who act not because they were swayed, but because they were inspired." - Simon Sinek

3. Money or Profits is Not A "Why"

- Money is not a "why" and is never the reason that leads to the success of a company. Innovation comes from thinking about the "why" which is the reason you get out of bed in the morning. Often when organisations are in a downfall, they only look at making money and surviving. Profits are important but more important than that are the ethics, values, and unique practices of a company that set it apart and the same apply to people as well.

Simon Sinek shares the stories of Apple, Wal-Mart, Costco, Starbucks, Martin Luther King Jr, and a few others in the book.

"Imagine If every organization started with the Why. The decision would be simpler. Loyalties would be greater. Trust would be a common currency." - Simon Sinek 

4. The Power of Trust

- When "what", "how" and "why" come together, that builds trust in people and in organisations. People perform at their best when they are part of a culture that fits their values and beliefs.

"If there were no trust, no one would take risks. No risks would mean no exploration, no experimentation and no advancement of society." - Simon Sinek 

He gives the example of Apple and the huge trust it has built with its customers who believe in the company's philosophy. Other technology firms might make good products too, but Apple resonates with customers because people appreciate its vision.

5. Communication Begins with Listening

- Listen to your audience. A simple thing like a logo can reflect a lot on the company and one must take note of how it is perceived. For example, the logo of Harley Davidson, the motorcycle company resonates with bikers and with adventure lovers so it has helped the company greatly. Listening to and observing your competition is very helpful.

The author poses a "Celery Test" in which he gives the example that to grow what do humans need? A variety of good foods but you don't need all of them. Similarly, when you observe your competition and listen to what your audience needs, you will come up with your own list of factors that your company should consider.

There is also a new form of competition that is when you work to improve yourself, individually. You are the best competition for yourself but you do need to listen to people around you to make better decisions. #unlearnandrelearn 

Monday, December 12, 2022


Welcome to a brand-new week! I hope you are still well and in good health. Eternally grateful for such a beautiful life, the experiences, the people in it and everything in between. Living life intentionally and not merely prolonging, it is a blessing in and for itself.

I would like to bring this to your attention: It is unwise to interact with people who have gained mastery over something without seeking counsel to learn from their experience. Counsel is powerful! No one should ever outgrow the need to be counselled. Whether it is from the victorious or the fallen, seek counsel.

Don't respect only people who have succeeded, also respect those who have failed. Failure is an asset that makes man qualified to counsel others in future. When you are open to receive counsel, you're ready to access the leadings of God. #honourthosearoundyou #respectpeople #dontjudepeoplebytheirlooks #dontmissout #pleasetakenote #love #truth #mercyandgrace #explorepage #followmeformore #inspiration

Sunday, December 11, 2022


Happy Sunday unto you, dear beloved. I believe that you are still well and in good health. Holding on to pain doesn't fix anything. Replaying the past over and over again doesn't change it, and wishing things were different doesn't make it so.

In some cases, especially when it comes to the past, all you can do is accept whatever it is you're holding on to and then let it go. That's how everything changes. You have to let go of what is hurting you, even if it feels almost impossible. Deciding to hold on to the past will hold you back from creating a strong sense of self, a self that isn't defined by your past, but rather by who you want to be. 

Oddly enough, painful feelings can be comfortable, especially if they're all you know. Some people have trouble letting go of their pain or other unpleasant emotions about their past because they think those feelings are part of their identity. In some ways, they may not know who they are without their pain. This makes it impossible for them to let go.

Often times God will wreck certain things or relationships in your life when He sees that they have a potential of wrecking you! But are you strong enough to trust God in the immediate pain, in hopes that there's a better tomorrow? It may sound easy but it's not. 

So many people today are standing in front of a closed door that has no treasure on the other side because ego keeps telling them, "You're not supposed to lose this!" God is faithful enough to only remove the things He knows He will replace, and the replacement is always bigger and better. So, stop holding onto broken dreams and "could have been's." There's something so beautiful God has crafted in your tomorrow. #itwillsoonmakesense #trusttheprocess #believe #outgrowtogrow #forthebetter #changeisnotbad #happysundayeveryone #takecare

Sunday, December 4, 2022


Hey there! I hope all is well with you and that you are having a good weekend. I'm going to finally attempt to put this into words because I have been experiencing it in my heart for some time. Life is not like what they portray in the movies where in one minute someone is good and the next minute, they are the villain. People don't change in a day or two. Change takes time, just like any other process. What's more, everything begins with little advances.

One day you'll wake up and saying "good morning, I am praying for you," won't seem so relevant anymore. One day you'll wake up and won't remember how life used to be before they came along. The joy you'd feel when their name popped up on your phone will somehow become usual and unappreciated. You won't interact as much anymore, not even on social media.

One day you'll wake up and forget to mention their name in prayer. And as time moves along, you start forgetting days; birthdays, happy days, memorable days. You'll suddenly see the good in saying goodbye and won't yearn for another good morning! "They just changed" no they didn't, you just didn't notice the signs.

Whenever the fire of pursuit is removed from any kind of relationship, negligence always takes its place. Many people are committed when they are chasing after something or someone and once, they have it they stop trying. But appreciation, true appreciation is never seen in how you chase after something, it's seen in how well you keep that thing once you have it.

The same error occurs in our Christian lives. Since the beginning, we have loved God. Our first love is Him. No morning passes without a conversation with Him. And if you don't spend your nights with Him, nothing else matters. Then time flies and suddenly, we can't even post about God anymore. The thrill and zeal are gone and God becomes just another bystander. We love Him and chase after Him only until we don't anymore. I've seen a lot of people crying saying, "what happened to us." Now imagine God asking them same thing to you this morning. "What happened to us?" "Where did you go?"

"Why did you let go?" "Why did you change?" God's love for you is always on a burning flame! And when we don't reciprocate that love we grieve Him. I pray that you never play around with love that is so lavishly beautiful. I pray you never run out of words to say to Him that will make His heart melt. I pray your pursuit of Him becomes an endless joy! #happysundayeveryone

Friday, December 2, 2022


Happy Friday unto you, dear beloved. I believe that you are still well and in good health. Being low-key and private with good boundaries and low expectations is self-care.

I am the happiest gent out, and a lot of that has to do with objectivity. So much of life is impersonal and does not require you to internalise it as much as a lot of people do. Such a finite number of things are truly of concern, discernment is vital. #creategoodboundaries #selfcare #selflove #ownyourspace #takechargeofyourlife

Thursday, December 1, 2022


Happy new month dear beloved, I hope you are still well and in good health. 

So, December we have arrived! And all I could think of is how good God is. It's been wonderful year with its ups and downs but I can honestly say that God has really sharpened me. He has taught me the importance of consistency and discipline in all areas of my life. I am so thankful for Him. If you desire to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit voice and guidance, I 100% recommend carving out quality time in the secret place on the daily. #happydecember #itsdecember #festiveholidays #festiveseason #goodtimeswithgoodpeople #familytimes #enjoylife #havefun #beresponsible


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...