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Sunday, December 25, 2022


Happy Christmas to everyone. I love and wish everyone the best. It's a lovely day! And God's incredible love and mercies make it all possible.

God is a loving God! When this truth becomes real to you, you can believe Him and receive more from Him. A lot of times we pray to meet God's power when in actual fact, what we really need is to experience His love!

God's love conquers even His power. His power is controlled by His love. In John 3:16, the Bible says, "For God so loved the world that He gave..." rather than, "For God was powerful or mighty that He gave..." Love is more powerful than power. Power can go far but not as far as love can go. When power gets tired it is love that carries it along. Jesus had power, but it wasn't enough to get Him to the cross. It is love that sustained His journey and enabled Him to fulfill and accomplish His mission. Love is the greatest force of all. Love covers a multitude of sins. Love is God! #Godislove #Godcares #Godlovesyou


Happy new week! Life will not hand you success, happiness, or solutions on a silver platter. Challenges, obstacles, and hardships are inevit...