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Tuesday, November 29, 2022


The moment my clock hit 00:00, my phones were ringing non-stop with messages of well wishes from you all. I replied to some of you and I'm still in the process of replying to many others but let this post be for you.

I am so grateful for the love, care and support you have given me. For blessing me, may God bless you. For loving me, may God shower His love on you. For speaking favour over me, may God's favour take over your life as well.

I pray that with this added year, God will enable me to serve you even more and help me to move you closer and closer to God. 

Thank you all so much. I love you dearly!


I am a year older on this beautiful day. And it's all possible because of your incredible love and mercies, God. Today, I go down on my knees to thank you from the depths of my soul for blessing me so lavishly with Your choicest blessings! Happy birthday to me!

May this lovely day add oodles of cheerfulness, great success, massive love and boundless adventures in my life. Not forgetting everything and everyone that God has blessed me with. I'm forever grateful. The journey continues beyond the closing of the calendar, #22 unlocked!

Happy birthday to the most sagacious person; Myself! Too many more! #gratitudeattitude #mybirthday

Sunday, November 27, 2022


Happy Sunday people of God! I hope you are still well and in good health. The continuity of things in your life should never be based on the indices of whether they are good or bad. Rather, the continuity of things in your life should be based on whether or not they can reveal the glory of God to you and those around you. Keep that in mind!

Jesus gave us so much wisdom when it comes to answering questions because He understood the difference between a desire to learn and someone seeking to entangle Him with words. Jesus is our standard, follow the progression here: 

Matthew 22:15 and 18 ESV
"15 Then the Pharisees went and plotted how to entangle Him in His words.......18 But Jesus, aware of their malice, said, "Why put me to the test, you hypocrites?"

Matthew 22:34‭-‬35 ESV
"But when the Pharisees heard that He had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. And one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question to test Him."

Matthew 22:46 ESV
"And no one was able to answer Him a word, nor from that day did anyone dare to ask Him any more questions."

Take note 📝:

People ask because they don't know. People ask because they have malice. People ask because they want to test you and weigh you. People ask because they are trying to prove their worth on a different platform and in a different space. People ask because they seek endorsement and recognition. People ask because they are naughty. People ask because they have an agenda.

When Jesus was done answering, the scripture says "No one dared...." #Jesusthestandard #wordsofwisdom #wisdomsunday #beawareofyoursurroundings

Saturday, November 26, 2022


"Hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you learned from me, a pattern shaped by the faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus." - 2 Timothy 1:13 NLT

I keep on figuring out how to legitimately isolate the expression of truth, to adore Jesus and accomplish the work of God without stowed away plans from what I've seen you doing. In any event, when I committed errors before, you never hurled me out, you amended me, proceeded to cherish and teach me.

As you imitate Christ, I will imitate you. #bestfriends #unlearntorelearn

Friday, November 25, 2022


Happy Friday unto you, dear beloved. I hope you are still well and in good health. You will not make a dent in life if you spend your time chasing convince and comfort. Step out of your comfort zone and start using your value. As the week is coming to an end, I hope we had a productive week but there's a nugget that wanted to leave you all with.

It's said that the top of one mountain is the bottom of another. The consistent desire to become better doesn't allow one to reach the top of the mountain.

Perseverance goes a long way. Pay attention to the vision in your head. Don't measure yourself against others. Remain perfectly focused on who you want to become. And most importantly carry your being in your values. Integrity, service and courage. That's me.

I consider myself to be a juggler. Not in the classic "clown at the circus" sense but as it relates to thriving in an environment where productivity and quality is a priority. I am anxious to parlay every experience into my true passion. I love a challenge, excited to learn and grow.

Everything that I have been through has brought me to one logical explanation for everything and one alone. There are many other lessons or even ideas, but the basis of all logic points to this one clear understanding brighter than any other.

And that is that every action is based on a right or wrong belief from the perspective of the person acting. Thus, limited to the real understanding of what truly is correct as their limitations are the edge of understanding to them. And when you understand this, you will understand how inconsequential opinions by others about your life truly are. Whether good or bad, even the good opinions often bear redundancy to you. #happyfridayeveryone #stayonyourpurpose #believeinyourselfalways

Monday, November 21, 2022


Happy new week unto you, dear beloved. I hope you are still well and in good health. Up to now, your greatest problem has been ignorance of who you are and who you were meant to be. The wrong self-image has kept you from releasing your unlimited potential.

You are like a bird in a cage, which has no idea of how much vast space exists outside. Your mistaken certainties have prevented you from realising how truly worthy, capable and unique you are.

Understanding the weight and control fear had on me wasn't something I was always aware of. When we become consumed in fears of what if we stop seeing the potential in the possibilities. Fear can be paralysing, but you are worth so much more than becoming stagnant.

You will amount to everything you've dreamed about because everyone has the power to make all their aspirations happen. It's not to be unafraid, it's having the courage to start even if you are afraid. You got this! #happyweek #doityourself #aimhigh

Tuesday, November 15, 2022


Happy Tuesday dear beloved. I believe you are still well and in good health. It's a lovely day! And God's incredible love and mercies make it all possible.

I have this message; It's been pressing on my spirit for the last hour. God says, "Your cushion is wet, you've been weeping well into the night for as far back as month. Hang on!"

Learn to yield the deep parts of your heart to God. Learn to uncover the mask you have put on your face. Learn the art of totally surrender and never look back. Learn to be okay that things will not be okay now but with time they will. Learn to give things time so that you may fully comprehend the full picture of what is it that God was building in your uncertainty. 

Life is not a rehearsal, life is not a fantasy, life is real and it deals with everyone of us with real stuff. You just need to accept that there's nothing new under the sun, someone somewhere is sharing the taste of your confusion. Learn to be okay that things aren't okay.

Proceed! It's generally most obscure before first light. God is working in the background to turn what is happening nearby. He will reestablish your respect, and every one of those that giggled at you will see God's hand on you. You won't need long-entryways are opening and open doors are coming. I petition God for you, I love you. You will be okay! #Godcares #Godlovesyou

Monday, November 14, 2022


Happy new week unto you, dear beloved! I hope you are still well and in good health. Today is a new day, do not cling to anything that happened yesterday. It's safe to let go.

And remember this; Each day you're presented with a choice. You can either keep your greatness hidden under a pile of fears, regrets and excuses, or you can let it out. The easiest way to begin unlocking greatness is to make a conscious choice to live out the rest of today as the best version of you. #vutomiinyiko #vutomihintalo #changeyourperspectivetolife #clearvision #braveheart

Sunday, November 13, 2022


Happy Sunday! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend with your loved ones. And I believe you are still well and in good health. 

When Adam and Eve learned that they have sinned against God. They suddenly felt ashamed of their sin. So, they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves (Genesis 3). Many of us wrong God in lot of ways and rather than turning back to God, we hide behind material possessions.

These things are noticeable to some of us when there are gaps in emotional and spiritual growth and fundamental maturation. We believe that expensive clothing can fill a void within us, and we also believe that sex, substance abuse, drugs, and alcohol can fill the void within us.

My advice this Sunday, reconnect with your Creator, the only true living God. Allow Him to fix you, the anger inside, the unforgiveness inside, the annoyance inside, desire for revenge or retribution. God understands the maltreatment and the cruelty you suffered. You don't have to be casual about it. You need Him. Surrender and withhold nothing. Only God can fill in that void! #allowGodtofillyou #havefaithandbelieve

Friday, November 11, 2022


Happy Friday, beloved, and have a wonderful weekend! I believe you are still healthy and fine. God's love nature encompasses a range of strong and positive emotions and mental states from the most sublime virtue the deepest interpersonal affection and to the simplest pleasure.

Jesus is the embodiment of God's unyielding, steadfast love, and His affection for us is what drives Him to perform the ultimate act of steadfast love for us in His life, death, and resurrection. Give God praise because He is good; His khesed is eternal!

Then said the Jews, "Behold how He loved him!" - John 11:36 KJV

God's love for humans is very tangible and not concealed. It is open and noticeable. It's a public affair! He does not love us in secret. And because of this, He didn't die for the world in His closet or in a cave somewhere. He was lifted up on the cross and made a public spectacle at Golgotha, so He could prove His love for man. He was bartered, bruised, humiliated, embarrassed, not because He wanted to but because He loves us. Love demanded that He act!

When Jesus got to Lazarus' grave, the Bible says Jesus began to groan in the spirit and then wept afterwards. When the Jews saw Him weeping, they were amused and said, "See how He loved him!"

God's love for His children is still a wonder to the world, and even to angels (1 Peter 1:12). After all that you did? Is God still able to love you? The answer is yes! 

I believe that God's display of love for you still astonishes angels today. They may be saying, "See how God loves him. See how God loves her: See how He's concerned about them. See how He's moved when they are in trouble. See how He blesses their lives. See how He lavishes them with His mercies! See! See!"

Beloved, if you only knew how much God loves you, you would not walk in guilt not even for one moment. You would not condemn or pity yourself. If you knew how much God loves you, you would always rush back to Him whenever you fall. David said he would rather fall into the hands of the Lord, for His mercies are great (1 Chronicles 21:13). So, when you fall, don't run away from God, run to God. #runtoGod #tangibleloveofGod #graceofGod

Wednesday, November 9, 2022


Happy Wednesday beloved, I hope you are still well and in good health. Do you think God care about all evil that is happening in the world today? If so, what is He doing about it? In this message, beloved, I trace various ways in which God comforts both human evil and even deeper spiritual evil that underlines it. Let's get started. 

When discussing the end of the world, religious people use the Bible's phrase "the day of the Lord." I'm sure you're familiar with this idea of Jesus riding back on a white horse to exact His final punishment in the world—things like Armageddon or the Apocalypse. Everyone, I'm sure, wants to know exactly what will happen.

A lot of these ideas come from the Bible's last book, but to better understand them, you have to go back to the first book of the Bible. The story begins in Genesis, where God creates an amazing world and empowers humans to lead it on His behalf.

However, this enigmatic nonhuman character's promise easily tempts the humans: that they can place themselves in God's place and define good and evil on their own terms. Stories about violence, broken relationships, and other issues followed. As a result, this promise caused significant issues. Everyone is using death as a weapon to gain power now that they must defend themselves and fight for survival.

All of this leads to a story about how the city of Babylon, or "Babel" in Hebrew, was built. God knows how devastating this could be because everyone comes together to elevate themselves to the status of God: as if they were God, a whole culture redefining good and evil. As a result, God confuses their language and scatters them, turning Babylon into an icon in the Bible. The collective rebellion of humanity against God is depicted in this image.

The next time we see it is in the story of Egypt. Pharaoh the king of Egypt feels threatened by this immigrant Israelites. He starts killing all of the boys and enslaving the rest. This is truly evil. So, Egypt is like this bigger, badder Babylon. They take care of themselves at the expense of others, by redefining evil as good. So, God turns Pharaoh's evil back on him. His pride drives him forward and he is swallowed up by death. 

After this great deliverance, the Israelites sing a song about how God is their warrior who liberated them from evil. The Israelites referred to this moment as, "The day." The day they were rescued from corrupt human system. And every year since then, the Israelites have celebrated the day of their liberation with the symbolic meal of a sacrificial lamb. It is called "Passover." The Israelites eventually established themselves in their own land, elect their own kings, and face new adversaries. As a result, the hope that God will once more bring "The day" to rescue Israel from new threats is rekindled every time Passover is celebrated.

Now out in the hills was the sheep herder named Amos. He was appointed by God as the prophet to announce shocking news to Israel. That God was bringing another day of the Lord against His enemies. This time, the target is Israel. Sadly, Israel's leaders have also redefined good and evil for themselves, resulting in corruption and violence. 

God's people have become like Babylon. The oppressed become oppressors, Babylon seems like a trap no one can escape from. So, the day of the Lord comes upon Israel, they are conquered, taken captive into exile. And from then on, Israel suffered under the rule of continuous oppressive empires.

This is the story Jesus was born into. In His day the oppressive empire over Israel was Rome. So; The question is Jesus going to comfort Rome or make fights? No, Jesus saw the real enemy as that mysterious unhuman evil, the evil that lured Babylon, Egypt, Rome and Israel. All humanity has given in to evil's promise of power.  

This what Jesus resisted alone in the wilderness when He was tempted to exploit His power for self-interest. But He did not. And after that He started to confront the effects of evil on others. He announcing that He was going to Jerusalem for Passover for a final showdown to confront the evil of Israel and Rome by dying. That feels like loosing, isn't? 

Jesus was going to let evil exhaust all of its power on Him, using its only real weapon: death. Jesus knew that God's love and life were even more powerful, that He could overcome evil by becoming the Passover lamb, giving His life in an act of love. Something changes that day. When Jesus defeated evil, he opened up a new way for anyone to escape from Babylon and discover this new kind of power, this new way of being human. 

Okay, something changed, is that right? But the power of evil is still alive and present and we allowing it building new versions of Babylon,. Right, so the last book of the Bible, the Revelation, points out to the future and final day of the Lord. It is when God's kingdom descends to confront Babylon the Great, this image of all the corrupt nations of the world. 

The end of the world is here, Armageddon. How is Jesus going to finish off evil? Well it is not how you would expect. In the Revelation, the victorious Jesus is symbolised by the sacrificial bloody lamb and then when Jesus arrives in the end, riding His white horse to confront evil, He is bloody before the battle even starts.

Pre-bloodied? This is an odd idea or because Jesus did not seek out our blood; rather He triumphed over His enemies by dying. And the sword in His mouth is the symbol of Jesus authority to define good and evil and hold us accountable when He brings final justice once and for all. 

So, in the meantime, the day of the Lord is the invitation to resist the culture of Babylon and it is a promise that God will one day free our world from corruption and bring about the new thing He has in store! #followJesue #Godisgood #Godisamazing #JesusisLord

Monday, November 7, 2022


Happy new week unto you, beloved. I hope you are still well and in good health. I have always been intrigued by the idea of approaching things from various perspectives with creativity and critically engage with it. 

Hence, I believe that people grow when they learn. I'm on a quest to make excellence a part of those lives that I come in contact with. For me, every day is an opportunity to improve, improve creativity, and improve compassion in the world or the environment in which I live. 

I have been an optimist all my life. I think that no mountain is too high, that every problem has a solution, and that even the most ambitious dreams can be realised with imagination, creativity, and perseverance. 

My passion is assisting others in turning great ideas into groundbreaking experiences that can be seen, touched, and felt all over the world. I realised that opportunities disguised as obstacles exist. I am constantly on the lookout for an opportunity to be a part of that one innovation that has the potential to alter people's perceptions of the world. #becreative #changeyourperspective #changeyourlife #changeisgood #changeispossible

Saturday, November 5, 2022


Happy Saturday and great weekend beloved! I believe you are still fine and in good health. 

"Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction. The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences." - Proverbs 18:20‭-‬21 NLT

The power of words in your tongue means, you edify, build, exhort, pray, intercede, correct and do not allow your tongue to be a tool of something outside of godliness.

The trick is to guard our hearts, for out of its abundance, it will speak. Other people may gossip, slander, blame, dishonour, misjudge but stand your course and seek perspective from God alone. Enjoy and have a whale of a time! #happyweekend

Friday, November 4, 2022


Happy Friday unto you, dear beloved. I believe you are still well and in good health. For a life full of excellence, I recommend Jesus! 

Wow, I woke up feeling so low today, couldn't pin point it. I remember just feeling unable to speak or even articulate my sadness and my spirit took me to a random gospel playlist on YouTube.

It reminded me of this verse where Jesus was saying if we can only, we believe in Him, He will leave us with the Holy Spirit who will give us the ability to speak life from our hearts/belly (Jonh 7:37-39). My heart was evoked! Excited! Calmed and satisfied! 

The Holy Spirit literally pushed me to open my mouth to start declaring life over my body, over my family, over my situations. He reminded me that I serve a well of living water that never runs dry even when I feel myself running on empty, I serve a God who never does! I serve a God who despite my situations, despite my emotions, despite my shortcomings satisfies any longing, emptiness and any desire!

The devil will do that. He will try to silence you, to shut your mouth, to leave you in your thoughts of despair but like Jesus said rivers of living water flow from you! Let those rivers flow out of you today, speak life right now even if you don't feel like it, open your mouth and speak life into your situations. You have been given the authority! #exerciseyourdominion #speaklife #declaregoodness #graceupongrace #loveofGod 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022


Happy new month, dear beloved. I hope you are still well and in good health. I'm so thankful, it is my birthday month! 

The basic function of prayer is to create a future with words. I pray, may this month bring newness in every area of your life, welcome to November! 

This month we're manifesting healthier lifestyles, healthier friendships and relationships, soul satisfying purposes and becoming one step closer to ourselves. May this month be filled with abundance and wealth in things that money can't buy. Let's get started! #happynewmonth #peaceofmind #loveyourself #purposedrivenlife #successmindset


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...