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Friday, November 4, 2022


Happy Friday unto you, dear beloved. I believe you are still well and in good health. For a life full of excellence, I recommend Jesus! 

Wow, I woke up feeling so low today, couldn't pin point it. I remember just feeling unable to speak or even articulate my sadness and my spirit took me to a random gospel playlist on YouTube.

It reminded me of this verse where Jesus was saying if we can only, we believe in Him, He will leave us with the Holy Spirit who will give us the ability to speak life from our hearts/belly (Jonh 7:37-39). My heart was evoked! Excited! Calmed and satisfied! 

The Holy Spirit literally pushed me to open my mouth to start declaring life over my body, over my family, over my situations. He reminded me that I serve a well of living water that never runs dry even when I feel myself running on empty, I serve a God who never does! I serve a God who despite my situations, despite my emotions, despite my shortcomings satisfies any longing, emptiness and any desire!

The devil will do that. He will try to silence you, to shut your mouth, to leave you in your thoughts of despair but like Jesus said rivers of living water flow from you! Let those rivers flow out of you today, speak life right now even if you don't feel like it, open your mouth and speak life into your situations. You have been given the authority! #exerciseyourdominion #speaklife #declaregoodness #graceupongrace #loveofGod 


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...