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Wednesday, June 28, 2023


That's a positive and optimistic perspective on goodbyes and the changes that happen in our lives. While it's comforting to believe that everything happens for a reason and that what's meant for us will stay with us, it's important to acknowledge that life can be complex and unpredictable. Sometimes, goodbyes are necessary for personal growth and to make room for new opportunities and experiences. They can be challenging and painful, but they can also lead to positive outcomes and new beginnings. Embracing change and finding the "good" in goodbye can help us navigate through life's transitions with resilience and hope. Ultimately, each person's journey is unique, and while we can find comfort in certain beliefs, it's essential to maintain an open mind and adapt to the ever-changing nature of life.

Saturday, June 24, 2023


Down below, the Eagle refrains from engaging in combat with the snake. Instead, it seizes the snake and carries it skyward, shifting the battleground. Eventually, the Eagle releases its grip on the snake. In the air, the snake lacks balance, power, and endurance, rendering it feeble, ineffectual, and defenseless. Conversely, on the ground, where the snake is potent, cunning, and lethal, it becomes futile, feeble, and susceptible.

Through prayer, you have the ability to transpose the fight into the spiritual realm, where God assumes control. Just as the Eagle alters the battlefield, you can change the dynamics by allowing God to take charge through your heartfelt supplications. Rather than confronting the adversary within their comfort zone, entrust the battle to God's hands through sincere prayer.


Unveiling Leadership Gems: Joseph's Journey of Growth

In the depths of imprisonment, Joseph's ascent as the chief servant granted him authority over his fellow captives. It was within these confining walls that he unearthed profound insights on leadership, adeptly maneuvering through the intricate dynamics of a system not of his own making. Joseph's story imparts invaluable lessons on cultivating leadership skills while operating within the confines of another's authority.

Joseph's arduous journey through imprisonment, fraught with trials and tribulations, offers an enlightening narrative that underscores the significance of developing leadership abilities even when placed under someone else's authority. Here are the key lessons we can glean from Joseph's experience:

1. Adaptability breeds resilience:
Joseph's transformation from prisoner to chief servant exemplifies the power of adaptability. Rather than succumbing to bitterness or despair, he embraced his circumstances and used them as a crucible for personal growth. True leaders possess the remarkable ability to adapt swiftly to changing environments, drawing strength from adversity and emerging stronger.

2. Leading from within:
Joseph's ascent to a position of authority within the prison compelled him to navigate a delicate balance between the responsibilities bestowed upon him and the limitations imposed by his superiors. He grasped the importance of leading from within, leveraging his influence to uplift and inspire those around him, while still respecting the boundaries set by his captors. This demonstrates that leadership isn't confined to a title or position but is embodied in one's actions and the positive impact they have on others.

3. Empathy bridges gaps:
While imprisoned, Joseph experienced the struggles and hardships faced by his fellow inmates. This first-hand understanding enabled him to cultivate empathy, fostering genuine connections and building bridges of trust. Effective leaders recognise the significance of empathy in forging meaningful relationships and resolving conflicts. By embracing the perspectives of those they lead, they create an inclusive and supportive environment that fuels growth and collaboration.

4. Servant leadership's transformative power:
Joseph's journey embodies the essence of servant leadership. As he selflessly served his fellow prisoners, he cultivated an atmosphere of trust, respect, and cooperation. By prioritising the needs of others, leaders can inspire loyalty, foster teamwork, and drive collective success. Joseph's story encourages us to transcend personal ambition and embrace the transformative power of servant leadership.

5. Continuous self-improvement:
During his time in prison, Joseph tirelessly honed his skills and knowledge, turning his confinement into an opportunity for personal development. He recognised the importance of continuous self-improvement and embraced a growth mindset. Exceptional leaders are committed to lifelong learning, constantly seeking to enhance their abilities, and adapting to the ever-evolving challenges they face.

Joseph's journey from prisoner to chief servant illustrates that leadership is not confined to positions of authority but rather emerges from within. It reminds us that transformative leadership can flourish even within the constraints of another's leadership. By embodying adaptability, leading with empathy, embracing a servant mindset, and pursuing continuous self-improvement, aspiring leaders can unlock their potential and inspire positive change in any circumstance. Joseph's story serves as an enduring testament to the transformative power of leadership, even in the most challenging of environments.


Greetings, dear friends, on this delightful Saturday! I trust that you are keeping well and in good health. I beseech you to discover the strength within to embrace self-honesty, particularly when it comes to understanding yourself. Although I find myself facing challenging circumstances, I consistently rise above these obstacles, for they are no match for my resilience and determination.

I have an intense fascination with Joseph's life, perhaps because it fills me with hope that everything will ultimately work out for the good of those who trust the Lord. It's truly remarkable how Joseph's journey unfolds and how it resonates with my own experiences.

We are first introduced to Joseph when he is just 17 years old and full of excitement over the incredible dream he received. In this dream, his sheaf stood tall while his brothers' sheaves bowed down to it. It may seem strange, but at that moment, Joseph was simply eager to share his joy with his brothers, who unfortunately were consumed by jealousy.

What I appreciate about the Bible is its straightforwardness. Joseph's brothers were jealous for two reasons: firstly, because they had different mothers, and secondly, because their father loved Joseph more. Joseph had no control over these factors, yet he found himself being punished by his brothers. But I see this as a pivotal part of his life, a necessary preparation for something extraordinary.

Had his brothers not been jealous, Joseph would have remained with his father, forever beloved but without purpose. He needed their hatred to propel him into the next season of his life. Unbeknownst to them, their act of selling Joseph was actually part of God's plan to position him where he needed to be. It's similar to the moments in our own lives when we complain to God, not realising that the very people who bore us are the ones strengthening us for God's greater plans.

Joseph was then purchased by Potiphar, who elevated him to a position of leadership within his household. Undoubtedly, there must have been jealousy from the other Egyptians working there. And then, Potiphar's wife enters the scene as an unnamed woman, and Joseph wisely resists her advances. Yet, she manages to manipulate the situation, resulting in Joseph being thrown into prison. Little did she know that Joseph needed this experience to learn the true meaning of integrity.

It was in this prison that Joseph encountered the wine maker and the baker, two individuals who would unknowingly play a significant role in his future. Joseph needed this time of imprisonment to meet these men. I reflect on my own life and wonder, what kind of prison am I in, and who am I surrounded by during this time? Prison symbolises a period of seclusion, when it's just you and God. It's a time when God presents various challenges to expose and remove our old layers, allowing for renewal. #keepthefaith

Friday, June 16, 2023


On this day, as we pause to reflect on the historic June 16 Soweto uprising, we acknowledge and celebrate the tremendous strides that South Africa has taken since that pivotal moment. The legacy of that day serves as a powerful reminder of the strength and impact of collective action in the face of injustice.

We honour the courage and resilience of the youth who stood up against oppression and fought for their rights. Their bravery paved the way for a brighter future and a more inclusive society. Today, we recognise the progress that has been made and reaffirm our commitment to upholding the values of equality, justice, and freedom.

Let us remember the lessons of the past and continue to work together, hand in hand, towards a South Africa where every individual's rights and dignity are respected. May the spirit of unity and determination that emerged from the June 16 Soweto uprising inspire us to create a better tomorrow for all. #happyyouthday2023 #June16 #sowetouprising #southafrica #unityisstrength

Monday, June 12, 2023


Some of the most valuable life lessons are often learned during moments of profound brokenness. It is in those instances when you believe you have found yourself in a dire predicament with no apparent way out. However, it is essential to remember that some of the greatest blessings in life emerge and are attained through the most challenging trials. Therefore, keep your spirits up and never lose hope!

Sunday, June 11, 2023


God created us with purpose and destiny, providing us with a future and hope. He supports us through the ups and downs of life. He is the steady foundation of our spirit, the source of peace for our souls, and the one who lifts our heads high.

Today, let us draw closer to His presence. He is not distant or disengaged, but rather closer to us than our own skin. He walks alongside us, guiding us from within. #happysunday #grateful #drawclosertoGod

Friday, June 9, 2023


Happy Friday! I hope you're having a fantastic day and looking forward to a wonderful weekend ahead. Fridays are a great time to unwind, relax, and reflect on the achievements of the week. Take a moment to appreciate your hard work and the progress you've made.

Whether you're planning to spend time with loved ones, pursue a hobby, or simply recharge your batteries, I hope your weekend is filled with joy, laughter, and fulfillment. Embrace the opportunity to do the things that bring you happiness and rejuvenation.

Remember to take a break from your busy schedule, breathe in the fresh air, and appreciate the beauty around you. Use this Friday as a chance to let go of any stress or worries, and embrace the positive energy that comes with the start of the weekend.

Wishing you a fantastic Friday and an incredible weekend ahead! Enjoy yourself, make wonderful memories, and take some time for self-care. You deserve it!

Thursday, June 8, 2023


Having a sound theology is of great importance for several reasons:

1. Foundation of Faith: Sound theology provides a solid foundation for our beliefs and understanding of God. It helps us comprehend the nature of God, the purpose of humanity, and the teachings of Scripture. With a strong theological framework, we can develop a deeper relationship with God and grow in our faith.

2. Discernment: Sound theology enables us to discern truth from falsehood, helping us navigate through various doctrines and spiritual teachings. It equips us with the knowledge and discernment to identify false teachings, heresies, or misleading interpretations of Scripture.

3. Spiritual Growth: A sound theology fosters spiritual growth by guiding us in living according to God's principles. It helps us understand God's will, moral values, and the ways in which we should live as followers of Christ. This understanding leads to personal transformation and the development of Christ-like character.

4. Unity and Fellowship: Sound theology promotes unity and fellowship among believers. When we have a common understanding of theological truths, it becomes easier to connect, worship, and serve together. It minimizes divisions and promotes a shared sense of purpose and mission.

5. Engaging the World: Sound theology equips us to engage with the world around us effectively. It helps us address contemporary issues, provide a biblical perspective on societal matters, and engage in meaningful conversations about faith. It enables us to share the good news of Jesus in a way that is coherent, relevant, and impactful.

6. Avoiding Error: Having a sound theology guards against falling into theological errors or misconceptions. It prevents us from being swayed by false teachings, manipulative ideologies, or distorted understandings of Scripture. Sound theology acts as a safeguard, protecting us from spiritual deception.

In summary, a sound theology is crucial for deepening our faith, discerning truth, fostering spiritual growth, promoting unity, engaging the world, and avoiding theological errors. It provides a sturdy framework for our beliefs, guiding us in our journey of understanding and experiencing God.


In the Gospel accounts, Jesus shared a thought-provoking statement that can be paraphrased as follows:

"When we played the flute for you, you did not dance; when we sang a dirge, you did not weep. John came, abstaining from food and drink, and you accused him of having a demon. I came, enjoying food and drink, and you labeled me a friend of sinners and tax collectors." (Matthew 11:17-19) 

This statement from Jesus illustrates a profound truth about human nature. It emphasizes how the perspective we adopt, based on the orientation of our inner being, greatly influences our ability to perceive and respond to the spiritual realm.

Using the examples of the flute and the dirge, Jesus highlights that some people failed to recognise the significance of these different expressions. They were unable to align themselves with the intended message or emotions conveyed. Similarly, when it came to discerning the ministries of John the Baptist and Jesus, that generation struggled to accurately comprehend their roles and anointing.

This anecdote underscores the importance of having a sound theological foundation when it comes to interpreting and understanding spiritual movements. If our theological understanding is lacking, we may either attribute everything to the work of the Holy Spirit without discernment, or we may condemn and dismiss anything that does not align with our preconceived notions of what is godly.

Both John and Jesus carried the anointing of God, yet that generation missed out on recognising their divine significance. The presence of self-righteousness can act as a significant barrier to encountering and experiencing the divine.

Therefore, it is crucial for us to cultivate a humble and open heart, guided by sound theological principles, in order to discern and engage with the moving of the Holy Spirit effectively. #sounddoctrine #unlearntolearn

Monday, June 5, 2023


 A while back I listened to a sermon on relationships by the late Dr. Myles Munroe. Although I cannot provide a direct quote, I distinctly remember one of the points he made which struck a chord with me.

Dr. Munroe spoke about the different types of love; Agape, Philio, and Eros. He highlighted how couples who base their love solely on the physical aspect, Eros without cultivating the other forms of love, are inherently unstable. When the shallow roots are shaken, the entire "tree of love" topples.

For any relationship to flourish, it needs a strong foundation of Agape love the kind of selfless, unconditional love that God has for us. Before you decide to share your life with someone, you need to cultivate this deep, devoted type of love for them.

This is the secret to a successful relationship, a love that is rooted in God's love, rather than fleeting physical attraction. Only then will you be truly willing to go to great lengths for your partner, and build a love that will stand the test of time.

Not that I'm perfected in this, nor is my partner but this is a challenge worth taking (more especially in a world where one-night stands and superficial relationships are the norm).

Sunday, June 4, 2023


Happy Sunday to you, dear friends. I hope you are still well and in good health. Today is a new day; do not cling to anything that happened yesterday. It's safe to let go. I don't know about you, but I started today with immense appreciation in my heart for God's constant kindness and perseverance. I would like to bring this to your attention. Wherever you are in life, God's words will always provide direction, encouragement, comfort, peace, strength and power necessary for your purpose of living the dream or dreaming a life worth living.

In Mark 4:39, Jesus commanded the wind and the sea to be still, saying, "Peace, be still." As I reflect on these words, I am reminded of the importance of finding peace in times of turmoil.

Life can be unpredictable and challenging, and it is easy to feel overwhelmed and lost. In these moments, it is important to remember that we have the power within us to call forth peace and to still the storm within.

The disciples were in a similar situation, facing a boat wreck and unsure of what the future held. But when Jesus spoke the words "Peace, be still," the winds calmed and the waters became still. We too can speak these words over our lives, over our struggles, and over our fears. We can choose to trust in a power greater than ourselves and find peace despite the circumstances.

Let us remember that our faith is our foundation, and it is up to us to ensure that it remains strong. The storms of life may come, but we can weather them with the peace and strength that come from our faith. Let us call for peace in the midst of crisis and uncertainty, so that we can find our strength and courage to cope with any storm. #peace #beencouraged #keepthefaith

Saturday, June 3, 2023


Happy June! As we enter the middle of the year, let us take a moment to reflect on all that we have accomplished so far and look forward to what is yet to come. Set new intentions for yourself and work towards achieving them. Remember to take time for self-care and to appreciate the little things in life. Let's also remember to be kind to ourselves and others as we navigate through this month. Spread positivity and love wherever you go, and let's make June a month to remember! 

Note: Remember to dress warmly, layer up, and stay hydrated in the dry winter air. And don't forget to take some time to enjoy the beauty that comes with snow-covered landscapes or sunny winter skies. #newmonth #positivityiskey #spreadloveandkindness


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...