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Friday, June 16, 2023


On this day, as we pause to reflect on the historic June 16 Soweto uprising, we acknowledge and celebrate the tremendous strides that South Africa has taken since that pivotal moment. The legacy of that day serves as a powerful reminder of the strength and impact of collective action in the face of injustice.

We honour the courage and resilience of the youth who stood up against oppression and fought for their rights. Their bravery paved the way for a brighter future and a more inclusive society. Today, we recognise the progress that has been made and reaffirm our commitment to upholding the values of equality, justice, and freedom.

Let us remember the lessons of the past and continue to work together, hand in hand, towards a South Africa where every individual's rights and dignity are respected. May the spirit of unity and determination that emerged from the June 16 Soweto uprising inspire us to create a better tomorrow for all. #happyyouthday2023 #June16 #sowetouprising #southafrica #unityisstrength


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