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Thursday, June 8, 2023


In the Gospel accounts, Jesus shared a thought-provoking statement that can be paraphrased as follows:

"When we played the flute for you, you did not dance; when we sang a dirge, you did not weep. John came, abstaining from food and drink, and you accused him of having a demon. I came, enjoying food and drink, and you labeled me a friend of sinners and tax collectors." (Matthew 11:17-19) 

This statement from Jesus illustrates a profound truth about human nature. It emphasizes how the perspective we adopt, based on the orientation of our inner being, greatly influences our ability to perceive and respond to the spiritual realm.

Using the examples of the flute and the dirge, Jesus highlights that some people failed to recognise the significance of these different expressions. They were unable to align themselves with the intended message or emotions conveyed. Similarly, when it came to discerning the ministries of John the Baptist and Jesus, that generation struggled to accurately comprehend their roles and anointing.

This anecdote underscores the importance of having a sound theological foundation when it comes to interpreting and understanding spiritual movements. If our theological understanding is lacking, we may either attribute everything to the work of the Holy Spirit without discernment, or we may condemn and dismiss anything that does not align with our preconceived notions of what is godly.

Both John and Jesus carried the anointing of God, yet that generation missed out on recognising their divine significance. The presence of self-righteousness can act as a significant barrier to encountering and experiencing the divine.

Therefore, it is crucial for us to cultivate a humble and open heart, guided by sound theological principles, in order to discern and engage with the moving of the Holy Spirit effectively. #sounddoctrine #unlearntolearn


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...