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Saturday, June 24, 2023


Greetings, dear friends, on this delightful Saturday! I trust that you are keeping well and in good health. I beseech you to discover the strength within to embrace self-honesty, particularly when it comes to understanding yourself. Although I find myself facing challenging circumstances, I consistently rise above these obstacles, for they are no match for my resilience and determination.

I have an intense fascination with Joseph's life, perhaps because it fills me with hope that everything will ultimately work out for the good of those who trust the Lord. It's truly remarkable how Joseph's journey unfolds and how it resonates with my own experiences.

We are first introduced to Joseph when he is just 17 years old and full of excitement over the incredible dream he received. In this dream, his sheaf stood tall while his brothers' sheaves bowed down to it. It may seem strange, but at that moment, Joseph was simply eager to share his joy with his brothers, who unfortunately were consumed by jealousy.

What I appreciate about the Bible is its straightforwardness. Joseph's brothers were jealous for two reasons: firstly, because they had different mothers, and secondly, because their father loved Joseph more. Joseph had no control over these factors, yet he found himself being punished by his brothers. But I see this as a pivotal part of his life, a necessary preparation for something extraordinary.

Had his brothers not been jealous, Joseph would have remained with his father, forever beloved but without purpose. He needed their hatred to propel him into the next season of his life. Unbeknownst to them, their act of selling Joseph was actually part of God's plan to position him where he needed to be. It's similar to the moments in our own lives when we complain to God, not realising that the very people who bore us are the ones strengthening us for God's greater plans.

Joseph was then purchased by Potiphar, who elevated him to a position of leadership within his household. Undoubtedly, there must have been jealousy from the other Egyptians working there. And then, Potiphar's wife enters the scene as an unnamed woman, and Joseph wisely resists her advances. Yet, she manages to manipulate the situation, resulting in Joseph being thrown into prison. Little did she know that Joseph needed this experience to learn the true meaning of integrity.

It was in this prison that Joseph encountered the wine maker and the baker, two individuals who would unknowingly play a significant role in his future. Joseph needed this time of imprisonment to meet these men. I reflect on my own life and wonder, what kind of prison am I in, and who am I surrounded by during this time? Prison symbolises a period of seclusion, when it's just you and God. It's a time when God presents various challenges to expose and remove our old layers, allowing for renewal. #keepthefaith


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...