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Sunday, February 26, 2023


Happy Sunday, everyone! Grace from God is amazing! Grace over our lives, conquer, occupy, win and overcome! 

Noting down a few things this morning and thought l should share this with you. In the event when Samuel heard the Lord calling him once more, Eli encouraged Samuel to heed God's voice and avail himself should he hear the Lord calling him again (1 Samuel 3:4-20). Eli didn't think Samuel couldn't hear God without him, and Eli didn't think it was a betrayal that God spoke to Samuel without telling him first.

We see the heart of a good father and custodian of grace in Eli. He never assumed ownership of Samuel. A healthy environment and perception of God allows you to grow in hearing Him, following Him and obeying Him. A healthy environment will promote and propel faithfulness to God above loyalty to man. Your growth will be its pride, not its pain. It will revel in your strides, not deem you a rebel.

The heartbeat will be a "go-ye" mandate, not a "stay-ye" motion. It will depict a river with many streams leading out to the city to make it glad (territorial influence) not a dam, stagnantly present.

Do not stay too long in spaces where pursuing God's calling over your life is considered betrayal. May Christ Jesus set the captives free. #happysundayeveryone #unlearntolearn


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