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Sunday, June 12, 2022


Blessed Sunday unto you! Despite the many voices that threatened to dilute my faith, it did not dissolve. My hope is still in the being of Christ, my power embedded in the master maker that is Lord and my heart. My heart is still pumping with purpose and everyday I look in the mirror God reminds me; "The world still needs to hear me through you." I pray you never stop seeing you in the way He sees you! 

Withdraw from the masses to draw from the well that will never run dry. To retreat is as important as forming connections. Retreating helps one to reflect, introspect and evaluate.

Retreating is temporal isolation, it is a place of heightened diligence to rest on the King's bosom, to sit at His feet, to recline at the table and to ascend into the hill of the Lord. It is a place of alignment, recalibration and perspective. Christ Jesus, frequently withdrew to the wilderness to pray.

Retreat to pray! I absolutely love corporate prayers but there's a need to frequently withdraw from the masses. Christ the pattern and the standard teaches us to; Retreat, frequently to pray! #keepthefaith #powerofprayer #praymore #staywithGod


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...