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Friday, June 10, 2022



Good day esteemed beloved, I hope everyone is still well and in good health.

Comprehend there is a cost to be paid for accomplishing anything of importance. You should follow through on the cost. Life will allow you to pull off something for some time, however eventually, you will follow through on the cost. All that you do in life causes the impacts that you experience. At the point when you get the bill, be ready to pay.

Dreams expect up front installments. Dreams are free, yet the excursion isn't. There is a cost to pay. In the first place, you should follow through on the cost of managing analysis from individuals who matter. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong." You should follow through on the cost of defeating your apprehensions. Disappointment, dismissal, and looking silly are normal apprehensions however, they are simply sentiments that can be vanquished and eliminated from your viewpoints. Finally, you should follow through on the cost of difficult work to understand your fantasy.

One of the guidelines life has shown me is that we generally have to make a decision. At the point when we say we "can't," we normally mean we're simply not ready to address the cost.

I accept that anybody who is significant and resolved to address the cost of learning, discipline and making the right moves aligned correctly at the perfect opportunities can accomplish and turn out to be monetarily effective. Also, having determination and constant pursuit are extraordinary characteristics, that will help.

What is it that you wish or dream to achieve? Whatever it is, there's a price you'll have to pay. Is it good grades at school? It won't just happen by osmosis; you'll have to put in the hours. Is it excellence in all you do? Is it great relationship with God? You have to be intentional about it and put time aside to spend it with Him. Whatever it is you desire, there's a price to purchase it. You can argue and say, "but God will open that door for me." Sure yeah, He will. But you'll need to sharpen that which He gave you. David kept sharpening his skills daily killing bears and lions until he got to slay Goliath. #thereisapricetopay #excellence #cost #courage #difficulties #difficultiesoflife #dreams #hardwork #lifelessons #pain #pay #perseverance #persistence #risk #rules #sacrifice #success


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...