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Sunday, May 15, 2022


Blessed Sunday beloved, I hope you are still well and in good health. The supreme test of goodness is not in the greater, but in the smaller incidents of our character and practice. Gratitude changes the narrative.

And Elisha sent a messenger unto him, saying, "Go and wash in Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean." - 2 Kings 5:10 KJV

When Naaman was told to go and deep himself seven times in the Jordan river he was hesitant at first. The Bible says even as he strolled towards the river he was angered in spirit. He would have opted for a better river, Abana or even Pharpar but he got the dirty one! Naaman wanted water that matched his credentials but instead, he got water that matched his condition. Tell me, how many have allowed their dignity to mess up their deliverance? How many have allowed their socio status and uppity character to mess up their chance at being healed of leprosy?

Sometimes God will humble you so good and allow the miracle you need to be in the hands of the one person you never thought would ever qualify to bless you. In the case of Naaman the captive (Rhoda) blessed the captain. Stop overlooking even the simplest and smallest voices around you. God can use anybody and anything, anywhere and anyhow. #behumble #havefaith #dontoverlook #grace #provisions


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...