As we celebrate Christmas, we are reminded of the incarnation of Jesus and the multitude of benefits it brought. He willingly took on human nature, subjecting Himself to all the experiences and limitations that come with it, even though He was fully God. He intimately understood oppression, and throughout His earthly ministry, He endured rejection, mockery, pain, humiliation, and ultimately, death. He willingly went through all of this so that we could be liberated from sickness, bondage, shame, and experience abundance in every aspect of our lives.
The fruit of His sacrifice is realised in the lives of those who receive Him, enabling them to live a life free from oppression, just as He intended. Moreover, we can take solace in the fact that Jesus is always quick to come to our aid when we are afflicted. He fully empathises with the pains we endure because He Himself experienced suffering firsthand.
Jesus, the Man of sorrows, understands and comforts us in our struggles. There is no situation or hardship that we will ever face that Jesus cannot relate to. The Bible assures us that we have a High Priest who sympathises with our weaknesses (Hebrews 4:15). Jesus became sin so that we could become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Corinthians 5:21). Therefore, as we celebrate Christmas, let us reject sin, for Jesus has already taken upon Himself the burden of sin on our behalf. Additionally, 2 Corinthians 8:9 reminds us that Jesus willingly relinquished His heavenly riches and became poor on earth so that we might be enriched through His poverty.
As Christians, we are called to reject poverty and receive by faith the abundant blessings that the Lord has already made available to us. Jesus suffered greatly and bore numerous afflictions so that we may experience healing in all areas of our lives. Sickness should have no place in our existence because Jesus has already paid the price for our well-being. He carried our weaknesses so that we could be strong. By His wounds, we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). Our healing, prosperity, freedom, and our entire life were all fully paid for. If the devil torments you, remind him that he has no place in your life because Jesus has already settled the debt of suffering on your behalf.
You don't deserve to be sick, to die, to live in poverty, or to suffer. Jesus settled the debt of suffering on your behalf. Any accusations from the devil claiming your guilt are nothing but lies. Embrace this truth in the powerful name of Jesus!