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Tuesday, August 8, 2023


I wonder if people still engage in genuine conversations with God. Not the meticulously prepared scripts we often recite, nor the memorized psalms or quoted proverbs, but true communication. The kind of communication that is so raw that every word is felt with intensity. I wonder if we have the courage to say to Him, "Fix it for me," or if we can muster the strength to ask, "Why can't I hear you, God?"

Vulnerability is a language of love to God, and complete reliance is a qualifying factor. I yearn for us to speak to God as effortlessly as we do with our partners, or to enjoy His company as much as we do with our friends. Trust me when I say that He is the kind of lover who will never break your heart. He is truly amazing!

So no matter what you are going through, steady your heart. Remind yourself that your faith is in control. Even in the most dire situations, things will work out for your good if you invite Him in. I may not know who has stolen your peace, and I'm uncertain about the Goliath you are facing, but I am certain that the best strategy will not arise from fear, inadequacy, or insecurity. The strategy you need for your career, marriage, business, or next step will be born from a place of peace. That is why you must anchor your soul in the Prince of Peace.


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...