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Monday, August 14, 2023


This Week's Objectives:

• Focus your mind and concentrate on achieving every goal outlined for this week.

• Steer clear of negative conversations and distance yourself from negative influences.

• Engage in meaningful conversations with individuals who resonate with your energy.

• Embrace acceptance of what is not working and forge ahead. Shift your attention towards endeavors that hold potential for better outcomes.

• Declutter aspects of your life that no longer serve a purpose. This includes your digital space, professional sphere, and academic pursuits. Let go of what does not deserve your attention.

• Incorporate exercise into your routine. A 30-minute walk each day will suffice, or even an hour at the gym. Keep your body active.

• Cultivate effective time management skills. Stay organised and ensure timely submissions, punctuality in meetings, and promptness in all aspects of life. Respect for time garners respect from others.

• Extend a helping hand to someone in need each day. By the end of the week, you will have positively impacted seven individuals. Focus on genuine assistance without seeking recognition or validation. Attribute your actions to a higher power.

• Prioritise your spiritual growth as well. Aim to read three chapters of the Bible daily, memorise a psalm each day, write down a sermon or message, and maintain an unwavering commitment to prayer.

Smash your goals! As Friday approaches, may you confidently proclaim, "God has manifested greatness in my life!" And remember, diligence is key. Wishing you a fulfilling week ahead. 

With love,
Life Hope Inspired By Nhlahla


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...