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Tuesday, August 15, 2023


Happy Tuesday! As we step into this new day, let's take a moment to center ourselves in prayer. Let's ask God to be our guide, leading us to seek wisdom above all else. In the pages of history, we find the story of Solomon, a man bestowed with a remarkable choice by God. When asked what he desired most, he didn't request riches or power, but instead, he asked for wisdom.

Solomon's response was clear and profound: "Wisdom, Lord!"

Today, let's reflect on Solomon's wisdom-seeking heart. Let's aspire to have thoughts and words that echo his earnest response. Imagine if God presented you with the same choice; what would you ask for? Would you, like Solomon, recognise the incredible value of wisdom?

Wisdom is a treasure that transcends material wealth and worldly power. It's the ability to discern right from wrong, to make sound decisions, and to navigate life's complexities with grace. It's a gift that empowers us to align our lives with God's intentions and to contribute positively to the world around us.

So, let's make a commitment today. Let's prioritise wisdom in our prayers. Let's seek it wholeheartedly, knowing that it's a pursuit that aligns us with God's purpose for our lives. As we walk in faith, may we walk with wisdom as our companion, lighting the path ahead and guiding us through every challenge and opportunity.

Have a great Tuesday, and may your day be filled with moments of insight and understanding as you seek wisdom in your journey of faith. #seekwisdom #discernmentiske


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