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Saturday, March 25, 2023


Happy 5 years anniversary to us! I trust you are still well and healthy. Life Hope Inspired was born out of love, passion, curiosity, interest, and purpose. Our unparalleled delight is uniting individuals to partake in the best in persuasive stories, ambience, atmosphere, and all-round vibes, and we anticipate imparting more to you once and we look forward to sharing more with you again. Consistently is preferred and greater over the past one, which is in accordance with our tendency. We've prepared for this and are eager to welcome you. 

I know my story best, and I can tell it in my way from page to page. I'm appreciative for my reality, for being who I'm, my excellencies and defects, my tenderness and unadulterated pith. I'm an objective getter, a fussbudget, an insightful, aggressive, tasteful man with remarkable excellence.

I am a preacher of self-esteem and personal growth. I believe that I am the best version of myself. I never speak ill of myself; I believe in myself more than anyone else. And if it is a million to one, I am going to be that one. I have a beautiful mind, an optimistic spirit and wisdom to crown it all. I'm deliberate and caring. I would get things done as an option for me to help individuals (as per need). I hate to see people sad or worry about things that should be at their disposal. 

As a child of the Almighty, I stand in position for my crown again and set my spirit straight for winning. I am a priceless form of gold; I am worth much more than rubies. I deserve all the goodness that comes my way and the mercies to come. #happyanniversary

Friday, March 24, 2023

His glory, His presence!

Really grateful for another validating moment from God! Made me take a second and just look at God's blessings over the past few years I can't explain it. The past few days I've been reading a book that's literally changed my life!

Literally, talking about purpose and the journey of life. But God just kept on saying; "l am your voice Maxwell, you have all you need in me." - God

This is just a reminder to me and to you that sometimes we get scared to let go of certain seasons because we feel as though without that thing/that person/that organisation we have no worth. Today please believe me that your purpose is not off one season of your life. Your purpose is a series of small steps and moments that come together to make you! Your purpose will come as many things one at a time or all at once. Your journey to becoming is just as important, your journey is the goal, it's the prize, it's the purpose!

Tuesday, March 14, 2023


Good morning, dear friends! Happy Tuesday, I hope you are all settling into the week nicely. Godly discernment cannot be produced by the strength of the flesh. It will always take God's ability to produce God's dimension of results! The demands of your destiny do not require human ability alone. A major part of what you need from life has to be outsourced from God's realm!

There will always be a margin of error in the life of a person who claims to hear from God and yet they are not invested in the word of God. Without His word invested in you, there will always be gaps in the way you decipher and interpret His voice. In the absence of the word even your discernment and insight are compromised. Keep in mind, discernment does not come about through superstition, discernment happens at the instance of your spiritual stability through the word.

You are grounded through the character of scripture and on the basis of that stability you can decipher what is of God and what is not. It's dangerous for a person to audibly speak to base on what they think God is saying. There are many people who went to a place of prayer and returned with speakings that were not of God simply because the basis of their interpretation was based on emotion and intellect. 

Evidently, when you now judge such messages from the authority of scripture they are found wanting (lacking) His word is a lamp upon our feet, let it always be our guiding light! #discernment #spritualgrowthjourney #lawofattraction #consciousliving #unlearntolearn

Sunday, March 12, 2023


Pleasant Sunday unto you, dear beloved. I hope you are still well and in good health. The problem I have realised recently is that we tend to hold people up to "standards" we can't even keep ourselves. "You could do better!" "You don't deserve that!" "You fall short!" "You couldn't even get that right?"

Unfortunately, there's a condition to the workings of God, you will never experience certain components of Him that you fail to give to those that surround you. How then can you know Him as a God of unending love if you yourself fail to love those that surround you? You will not touch a part of Him that He knows you cannot extend to those He connects to you!

Jesus said, "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father" (Jonh 14:9). What do people say when they see you? When they hear you? What do people say when they see how you treat those around you? What do people say when they see how you treat those that have fallen short?

Can you say, "If you've seen me, you've seen the Father?" as well? We have become judges in the place of God and like as Jonah questioned, "Why send me to condemn a people that you will only turn around to forgive?" (Jonah 4:2). The mercies of God cannot be controlled or blocked by personal likeness or selfishness. The Bible says, "A broken spirit and a contrite heart you have not despised oh God" (Psalm 51:17).

The psalmist recognised a vulnerability in God a kind of man God cannot turn away from. A man whose posture attracts His attention. He is broken. He is contrite. Not in public but in a place of "secret dwelling." Could it be that the world has believed that our God is so unloving because we ourselves are terribly unloving to each other? 

Yet there's a system mysterious to men that will cause even God to change His mind concerning His decisions. We serve a God that will use the very same men we feel are undeserving just to show us we have absolutely no say in how He chooses and how He sends.

Oh Jonah, when will you realise that Nineveh can receive the same mercy that you received in the belly of the fish? As He sends us, may God assist us!

Friday, March 3, 2023


Happy new month unto you, dear beloved. I hope you are still well and in good health. l am evolving! Everyday, I find myself discovering new pockets of myself and finally I'm learning to embrace them, I'm making room for myself, releasing what has been holding me captive and allowing myself to breathe a new breath. 

The excursion of learning can in some cases be forlorn, detaching and startling. Relinquishing things and individuals who once assumed such a tremendous part in your life can be unnerving. Relinquishing what no longer serves you strips you of the solace you once knew. Indeed, even on days when you feel alone, kindly recollect that you needed to give up to push ahead. You can't bring everything and everybody into this next time of your life, rise can now and again require disconnection. #changeisgoodforyourgrowth #unlearntolearn 


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...