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Sunday, February 26, 2023


Happy Sunday, everyone! Grace from God is amazing! Grace over our lives, conquer, occupy, win and overcome! 

Noting down a few things this morning and thought l should share this with you. In the event when Samuel heard the Lord calling him once more, Eli encouraged Samuel to heed God's voice and avail himself should he hear the Lord calling him again (1 Samuel 3:4-20). Eli didn't think Samuel couldn't hear God without him, and Eli didn't think it was a betrayal that God spoke to Samuel without telling him first.

We see the heart of a good father and custodian of grace in Eli. He never assumed ownership of Samuel. A healthy environment and perception of God allows you to grow in hearing Him, following Him and obeying Him. A healthy environment will promote and propel faithfulness to God above loyalty to man. Your growth will be its pride, not its pain. It will revel in your strides, not deem you a rebel.

The heartbeat will be a "go-ye" mandate, not a "stay-ye" motion. It will depict a river with many streams leading out to the city to make it glad (territorial influence) not a dam, stagnantly present.

Do not stay too long in spaces where pursuing God's calling over your life is considered betrayal. May Christ Jesus set the captives free. #happysundayeveryone #unlearntolearn

Saturday, February 25, 2023


Happy Saturday unto you, dear beloved. I hope you are still well and in glorious spirit. Challenges are inevitable, regret is optional depending on whether or not you give up. All things are possible through you, you are the vessel that must carry your own dreams and weather any and all storms in your wake. To ultimately dock the shore of success.

Also, keep in mind that living up to your purpose and pursuing your passions should not be hindered by conforming to societal expectations or pleasing others. I hope you've realised that you only have one life to live and that doing the right thing will bring you happiness.

Living ought to be about being yourself. In order to make them feel at ease, don't let anyone diminish your strength or intensity. Also, no one should make you feel bad about your impulses. Be true to who you are. Hopefully, you will allow yourself to learn how to set limits and resist being swept off your feet when you meet new people. 

This lets you learn about them, avoid toxic or abusive relationships, and ultimately find easy, satisfying relationships. Because it appears suddenly, triggering trauma is difficult to deal with. It has nothing to do with the people who set it off. It is entirely dependent on its desire to be felt and, ultimately, to be healed. Trauma can be triggered in us or triggered in us, and we play all roles in it. Get rid of those negative beliefs. I hope this is clear. Improve your life, do something you're proud of, and have confidence. #unlearntolearn 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023


New month blessings unto you, dear beloved. I missed you all so much! I hope you are still well and in good health. It's a brand-new month to live, laugh, be happy, give thanks for blessings, love and smile. May God bless you and your loved ones and keep you safe.

Every setback we face is a time of reckoning. Every delay we face on the journey to realising our dream is a time of choice, for we must choose what we do next. In these moments when the success we desire seems to be out of grasp we must decide how much it really means.

If in your heart of hearts, the realisation of your goal really matters, have faith that you'll always find there (In your innermost self) the spark that is needed to fire yourself up and again. #tryagain #dontgiveupyet #youcanstilldoitagain #hopeforthebest #havefaith #believeinyourdreams #itshallbewellsoon #happyfebruary #monthfulloflove #monthfullofblessings


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...