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Tuesday, September 20, 2022


Happy Tuesday beloved. I hope you are still well and in good health. Today is always the perfect day to embark on any activity that carries the potential to change your life for the better.

This might be a bit too heavy for today but I'm going to be honest, earlier this year, I started asking myself a few questions like when I do certain things who are they for, why am I doing them? I've had to ask myself what type of life do I want to live. I have to be honest turning 21 really switched something to my brain. Like, I'm I really happy and fulfilled?

That's been the big question, for who? The answer God put in my spirit this year was, "I want you to be fulfilled, not just well achieved" but if you can be both even better but first find fulfilment in what you are doing, know the "why" and I hope that "who" when you ask yourself will be, who am I doing this for? me.

Please take a minute; and be happy! If it means just a day off to breathe, if you can afford, please do it! Your purpose and life's calling are often hidden in the things that come so naturally to you, the things that bring you joy, the things you are good at. I know I'm good at writing you guys these long meaningful essays and they make me really happy and I'm going to nurture this gift, and turn it into something beautiful because I know there lies my ultimate life's calling and path to fulfilment, soon I will bloom. I hope you do too. #happyweek #happytuesday #befulfilled #followyourpassion #behappy #bejoy #nurtureyourgift #bloomwhereyouareplanted #pathtofulfilment


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...