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Sunday, September 4, 2022


Happy Sunday beloved. I missed you all so much. I greet you all with the blessings of the Lord! I have this message; it's been pressing in my spirit for the last hour. I pray we all recognise that the moment we put ourselves in the equation we dismiss God, that's why people end up being entertained not edified. Always go back to the word of God yourself and truly engage the spirit of God to reveal the truth of His word. Not through google, not YouTube, but His word and in the economy and civilisation of His presence. 

Today I want to iron out a misconception that trends amongst believers. The notion that if you are a Christian, you are considered weak, powerless and at the mercy of the devil.

I'll show you what I mean, look at this scripture with me. "... but I beseech you, that I may not be bold when I am present with that confidence, wherewith I think to be bold against some, which think of us as if we walked according to the flesh. For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh..." - 2 Corinthians 10:2‭-‬3 KJV

Apostle Paul is exclaiming that he does not want to be regarded as a mere man. In all his humility and gentleness, he said do not think I am just a man or a man without the spirit! There you can see that Apostle Paul is not easily intimidated. He doesn't function or go about his day afraid, there is boldness, there is strength, there is power that he draws from the holy spirit!

The Bible says he goes on to say for though we walk in the flesh. Though we have living breathing bodies, they are only a host for what is within, the spirit of God. Although we look like man and talk like man, it does not mean that we should act like man. It does not mean that we should fight like man! The Bible says, "our weapons of warfare are not carnal!"

So, you wanting to shout back, slander another's name, act violently or move from a place of anger will help you with nothing! You will be acting from a carnal state which is your natural state. Your place of power is in the state of the spirit, that's where your advantage in warfare is in the spirit! This is where your weapons carry divine power, power to demolish strongholds!

"I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you." - Luke 10:19 NIV

The Bible says, "You have been given authority!" Authority implies the power or right to provide orders, decide and implement acquiescence! You have been given the right, the power, the command to settle to conclusions about your life. Quit going about like you need to acknowledge things as they are. Quit moving like a simple man, expect your important and influential place!

Break free from any servitude inside your own psyche that lets you know that you can't follow through with something, or that is the means by which your life should be or that you try not to have the ability to transform it! Do this; Assess your mental focus, eliminate distractions, live in the moment and always practice mindfulness. From today, realise that you have the power, the power and the weapons to make a contrast in your life and to the existence of others! #knowyourpower #exerciseauthority # believeandhavefaith #bebrave #explorepage #share #like #comment #breakfree #mentalstability


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...