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Saturday, August 27, 2022


Happy weekend beloved people what's for Saturday? I hope you are still well and in good health. 

Never for an instant forget the effort to renew your life, to build yourself anew. Creativity means to push open the heavy, groaning doorway of life itself. This is not an easy task. Indeed, it may be the most severely challenging struggle there is. For opening the door to your own life is in the end more difficult than opening the door to all the mysteries of the universe.

Living without working to improve oneself leads to stagnation and, ultimately, self-defeat. There are those who fail to work on their own growth and development, using only their wits and wiles to get by. But the closing chapter of their lives is often empty and sad. They end up regretting the choices they made. They wish they could go back to their youth and do things differently. There is a time for everything. 

If you have every material comfort and the freedom to do anything you, please from the time of your youth, you are actually rather unfortunate. It's important that you forge inner strength and develop yourself in your youth. With such a foundation, it's only natural that once you reach a certain age your life will blossom, and you'll enjoy both spiritual and material rewards. This is the correct path in life.

As long as you are lamenting your situation, looking gloomy downcast, you'll be miserable and no one will recognise your abilities. You're far better off being upbeat and active. It will open the way to new possibilities. Your attitude determines everything. You can't be a success if you make half-hearted efforts. You need to follow through on your chosen path to the very end.

Birds who don't fly lose the ability to do so. They lose the use of their wings and can't soar into the skies happiness. An Olympic athlete who doesn't run or doesn't train cannot win. Lazy people who don't strive, don't act, don't advance, end up losing in life. Striving and progressing for some purpose or goal, this is the essence of happiness. #levelup #personalgrowth #selfempowerment #healthymindset


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...