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Wednesday, August 31, 2022


Don't ever conflate a request for space with avoidance and lack of accountability. Because space is way more nuanced than that.  

There is a difference between being completely dismissed and someone wanting to come at the right time with the tools, capacity, and skills needed. #besmarter

Sunday, August 28, 2022


Happy Sunday beloved, I hope you are still well and in good health. This weekend I had so much time to reflect, reset and reboot. I took a moment to thank God just for everything up so far. Yes, there have been a lot of tough moments but God!

Met a certain individual this weekend and she explained that she left Christianity. I asked her why and all her reasons were love based. 

She said, "I don't like the way they treat each other. I don't like the way they judge each other. I don't like the way they pinpoint each other." So, I looked at her and said, "dear you didn't leave Christianity, you left religion."

Her reasons were not weird, they were real. Many have walked away from God because most of us who claim to represent Him, misrepresent Him, one way or the other. We are all guilty of this. But the Bible says, "For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved" (John 3:17 KJV). So, condemnation is an antichrist spirit! People come to Christ and adopt the spirit of faith to get away from condemnation not to walk towards it, read Romans 8.

In the New Covenant, the law is not just an external code written on stone. The spirit of God has now inscribed the law on the heart of the believer in such a way that we automatically want to obey God. The heart I talk of, the one dedicated to obeying Christ, knows nothing of an unfruitful faith. The faith that is seen changes the believer and causes obedience to yield unavoidable results!

I pray you meet Christ-filled people that will show you God. And I pray that you yourself may become a yielding vessel that allows Christ to resonate through. #stayblessedalways #graceupongrace #mercy #love #happysundayeveryone #explorepage #fruitfulfaith

Saturday, August 27, 2022


Happy weekend beloved people what's for Saturday? I hope you are still well and in good health. 

Never for an instant forget the effort to renew your life, to build yourself anew. Creativity means to push open the heavy, groaning doorway of life itself. This is not an easy task. Indeed, it may be the most severely challenging struggle there is. For opening the door to your own life is in the end more difficult than opening the door to all the mysteries of the universe.

Living without working to improve oneself leads to stagnation and, ultimately, self-defeat. There are those who fail to work on their own growth and development, using only their wits and wiles to get by. But the closing chapter of their lives is often empty and sad. They end up regretting the choices they made. They wish they could go back to their youth and do things differently. There is a time for everything. 

If you have every material comfort and the freedom to do anything you, please from the time of your youth, you are actually rather unfortunate. It's important that you forge inner strength and develop yourself in your youth. With such a foundation, it's only natural that once you reach a certain age your life will blossom, and you'll enjoy both spiritual and material rewards. This is the correct path in life.

As long as you are lamenting your situation, looking gloomy downcast, you'll be miserable and no one will recognise your abilities. You're far better off being upbeat and active. It will open the way to new possibilities. Your attitude determines everything. You can't be a success if you make half-hearted efforts. You need to follow through on your chosen path to the very end.

Birds who don't fly lose the ability to do so. They lose the use of their wings and can't soar into the skies happiness. An Olympic athlete who doesn't run or doesn't train cannot win. Lazy people who don't strive, don't act, don't advance, end up losing in life. Striving and progressing for some purpose or goal, this is the essence of happiness. #levelup #personalgrowth #selfempowerment #healthymindset

Sunday, August 21, 2022


Happy Sunday, people of God! Eish weekends are in full swing, it's hard to keep consistent with everything. I realised though I want to do more than what is possible and that discourages me. So, I guess I'm learning it's better to do what you can and be consistent than do more every once in a while! 

2 Corinthians 2:14 KJV: "Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest ethe savour of His knowledge by us in every place." When you are not seeing the victory yet, do not panic beloved. That is not how your story will end, God is holding on for the right time. 

When God brought the Israelites out of slavery, they headed toward the Promised Land, that the Pharaoh who had just let them go changed his mind and decided he wanted them back. So, he sends 600 of his fastest chariots, some of his strongest warriors to try to recapture them. 

The Israelites, these two million people were at a dead end at the Red Sea, they had nowhere to go. It looked like they would be recaptured, until Moses held up his rod and the waters parted, the Israelites went through on dry ground. When Pharaoh's men came chasing, the waters closed up and they all were drowned.

Psalm 114:3 NLT gives us a good insight into what happened. "The Red Sea saw the Israelites coming and hurried out of their way." When it's your time, don't worry, enemies are going to hurry out of your way. 

That addiction, that depression, the anxiety, or whatever you are facing that is a challenge for your life, it isn't long-lasting, rushing out of your way is about. It's going to happen quickly, you didn't see any sign of things changing, nothing looked any different, then suddenly the waters' part, unexpectedly your wellbeing pivots, unexpectedly the entryway opens. God knows how to take things that looks permanently closed and quickly changes them. #Godwillshowup #staywithGod #havefaith #graceupongrace #thegoodnessofGod

Sunday, August 14, 2022



Good Sunday beloved, I hope you are still well and in good health. Take note of this: Impact beyond your lifetime will not occur while your life is yours. A scent of surrender should resound in your steps.

By definition, the word grace implies baseless, unmerited, gratuitous blessing. In this manner, grace existed before you at any point became. One more approach to saying it is, grace is God's part. Faith is characterised similar to a positive reaction to what God has previously given by grace. All in all, faith is your positive reaction to God's grace, or faith just appropriates what God has previously accommodated you. Accordingly, faith is your part.

Grace and faith cooperate, and they should be in balance. According to Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast." It says we are saved by grace through faith, not either. Think about it along these lines, grace is what God does and faith is our specialty. It takes both cooperating to receive salvation.

God has done His part by giving His only begotten son, Jesus Christ. His grace has given everything through the penance of Jesus. This is almost unrealistic on the grounds that there is literally nothing we can do to procure it and nothing we can do to lose it. Our part is straightforward: we respond to His grace by faith and appropriate what has already been accomplished.

Many underlines grace and others stress faith. Be that as it may, too few accentuate adjusting grace and faith. For instance, it's like sodium and chloride: Taken separately, both are harms and can kill you. But when combined as one, they become salt, which you should need to live. Grace without your positive reaction of faith won't save you, and faith that isn't a reaction to God's grace will bring you into judgment. In any case, put your faith in how God has proactively helped you, and you will have the triumph that conquers the world (1 Jonh 5:4).

Tuesday, August 9, 2022


Good day, beloved women. I hope you are still well and in good health. 

Happy Women's Day, in respect and honour to all women for being unsung heroes of our society, as Life Hope Inspired Family, we love, honour, respect, and appreciate you. 

National Women's Day marks the anniversary of the great women's march of 1956, where women marched to the Union Buildings to protest against the carrying of pass books. On 9 August 1956, about 20 000 women marched to the Union Buildings in Pretoria to protest against legislation aimed at tightening the apartheid government's control over the movement of black women in urban areas. 

This day actually draws attention to significant issues African women faces for instance, parenting, domestic violence, sexual harassment in the workplace, unequal pay, and schooling for all girls. This day, it tends to be used as a day to battle for or fight these ideas. Because of this public occasion, there have been numerous critical advances.

Before 1994, women had low representation in the Parliament, only at 2.7%. Women in the national assembly were at 27.7%. This number has nearly doubled, being at 48% representation throughout the country's government. National Women's Day is based around much of the same principles as International Women's Day, and strives for much of the same freedoms and rights.

I remember being approached by some woman on my way to the bus at campus in APK, end of July this year, very troubled and she wanted some advice and motivation with something and I said to her, "Your scars doesn't give God the reason not to use you or disqualify you." And so, I say it again, when you feel full of despair and doubts, it isn't always generally clear or obvious how your struggle could ever help others. When you feel like your trials are unique to your story alone but they aren't. God can sometimes allow trouble to come to set the framework of His glory.

Jesus said to Martha, do not despair, this death is not a means to an end but it has been allowed to showcase the glory of God. What's your death? Divorce? Abortion? Teenage pregnancy? Murder? Addictions? Lies? It's not a means to an end! It is not easy sometimes to know and understand how God will utilise the distinction of our lives to help other people. If you survived it wasn't for you alone. The best anyone can hope for at this point is to endeavor not to dismiss the extremely trademark God can use to show His ideal and perfect will for our lives. I pray you realise that your story is the testimony your kindred brother and sister are looking out for! #happywomensday #womensmonth2022

Friday, August 5, 2022


Blessed Friday unto you, my dear beloved. I hope you are still well and in good health.

I was reading the book of Hosea and in chapter 1, God instructs Hosea to go wed a prostitute Gomer, so that He can use their marriage as an actual delineation or physical illustration of His relationship with the Israelites, showing how the Israelites acted as prostitutes by turning against the Lord and worshiping other gods.

Gomer was a prostitute who laid down with numerous men! Could at any point envision what it looks like, a righteous man, who talked and heard from God marrying the woman of the night? However, chapter 3 verse 1 God spoke with Hosea and said; "Go and love your wife again, even though she commits adultery with another lover. This will illustrate that the Lord still loves Israel, even though the people have turned to other gods and love to worship them." 

The same way Gomer was adulterous, so were the Israelites against God. Yet, God forgave them, just as He told Hosea to forgive his wife. In verse 2 Hosea bought her back for "fifteen pieces of silver and five bushels of barley and a measure of wine." In the New Testament God brought us back with the blood of His only begotten son, Jesus Christ!

Staggering right? How God loves us that much, that He caused his servant Hosea to live out this illustration of His love for is people in the Old Testament and then caused His son Jesus to live out this illustration for us in the New Testament! That thing you have done which you think is the barrier between you and God's love, I'm telling you today it is absolutely nothing compared to how far God has already gone to show you He is your Deliver! God loves you in spite of that mistake, He loves you despite that sin, He loves you enough! Have a nice Friday and joyful weekend! #happyfriday #haveajoyfulweekend #lifehopeinspired #Helovesyouenough #Hecares #staywithGod 

Tuesday, August 2, 2022


Hey August! I'm happy that you've arrived! I have been patiently waiting for you, as the leaves wither, and the sun sets abit quicker we are still grateful for all seasons, because they remind us that no bad day lasts forever, no rain falls forever and no bad season stays forever. We wither like leaves because God is pruning us from the roots up, so that tomorrow we can bloom again, have a great and lovely month! #enduretheseason #loveyou #graceupongrace


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...