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Sunday, April 24, 2022


Happy Sunday, beloved. May the grace of God, the love of Christ and the sweet communionship of the Essence of God abide within you and your household now and forever.

Acts 1:14 KJV
"These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren." 

Did you know? The devil capitalises on isolated Christianity (l don't need church, l will pray in my room.) You end up becoming an "as long as God realises I love Him" Christian... No apprehension about God, no regard for calling and purpose, no overcoming.

God will become an abstract reality in your head by imagination He exists but, in your heart, nowhere to be found. Backsliding is transitional... it's a state that happens over time and by the time you realise, you are gone and okay with it.

Christ never intended for Christians to be separated from everyone else, that is the reason we are the assortment of Christ... in any event, when He sent them, He sent them by pairs since He knows the force of the devil when you are separated from everyone else. I'm not pushing denominationalism but rather you become an incapable devotee without the body. "God knows my heart"... is valid and yet a fuel to self-duplicity.


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...