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Friday, April 29, 2022


Living by testimony is more powerful than living by title. Since words are based on evidence and evidence based on information and information based on action, I learn to act before my words. Success will speak on my behalf.


Happy Friday! I hope you guys are still good and in good health. These days I'm holding on to God's Word like I'm holding on to it for dear life! That Word is irrevocable, imperishable, alive, sharp, prolific, performative, active, potent and at your disposal. Try it!! 

Just a gentle reminder: 

Don't just learn, experience.
Don't just read, absorb.
Don't just change, transform.
Don't just relate, advocate.
Don't just criticise, encourage.
Don't just take, give.
Don't just dream, do. 
Don't just hear, listen.
Don't just talk, act.
Don't just exist, live!

I've made a vow to myself to really be present in every experience and moment of my life this year... good or bad, you are allowed to feel everything but also allow it to grow you. #bepresent #change #transform #makeavow #keepthefocus #donttakeitforgranted #lifehopeinspired

Sunday, April 24, 2022


Happy Sunday, beloved. May the grace of God, the love of Christ and the sweet communionship of the Essence of God abide within you and your household now and forever.

Acts 1:14 KJV
"These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren." 

Did you know? The devil capitalises on isolated Christianity (l don't need church, l will pray in my room.) You end up becoming an "as long as God realises I love Him" Christian... No apprehension about God, no regard for calling and purpose, no overcoming.

God will become an abstract reality in your head by imagination He exists but, in your heart, nowhere to be found. Backsliding is transitional... it's a state that happens over time and by the time you realise, you are gone and okay with it.

Christ never intended for Christians to be separated from everyone else, that is the reason we are the assortment of Christ... in any event, when He sent them, He sent them by pairs since He knows the force of the devil when you are separated from everyone else. I'm not pushing denominationalism but rather you become an incapable devotee without the body. "God knows my heart"... is valid and yet a fuel to self-duplicity.

Friday, April 22, 2022



Happy Friday beloved, may your Friday be graceful and lovely, may your weekend be joyful, and may all your moments be wonderful! 


1. set up on a firm or super durable premise.
2. to develop. develop. plant. introduce.

"Before you do anything, put your trust totally in God and not in yourself. Then every plan you make will succeed." - Proverbs 16:3 TPT

We are urged to submit our works to God and He will lay out our arrangements. Perusing this refrain today has certified, given our hearts consent and the certainty to talk strikingly to God about our work, plans, professions and business, realising that we would see Him layout them.

God is a lot of keen on crafted by your hands. Allow me to rephrase that for you, God is a lot of keen on your prosperity!! It is to His greatest advantage to see His cherished prevail in all they put their hands to.

He isn't simply the God you implore for recuperating, otherworldly development, atonement, fasting and so forth, He is an essential God and needs to see you develop and succeed even in the field of your work.

Sunday, April 17, 2022


Happy Easter Sunday, beloved friends! May all the choicest blessings of the Lord be showered upon you and fill your life with delight. Wishing you abundant blessings, love, and joy in your life.

The justification for why individuals love pomposity (self-righteousness) is on the grounds that effortlessness (grace) appears to be unrealistic. The possibility that you should be commendable and great to precede God is an affront to what Jesus has done on the cross.

Isaiah puts it like this: "We all have become unclean; all our righteous deeds are like a menstrual rag..." - Isaiah 64:6 (CEB)

Different interpretations say, "filthy rags." The term (filthy) is an interpretation of the Jewish word iddah, which in a real sense signifies "the organic liquids from a woman's menstrual cycle."

Honest demonstrations ought to come because of God inside us, not accomplishing something beneficial to achieve salvation or on the other hand stand right with God. That is the reason in any event, when devotees fall into wrongdoing they take off from God as opposed to racing to God on the grounds that the thought is "your integrity awards you admittance to God" rather than what that's what sacred writing instructs:

"Our faith in Jesus transfers God's righteousness to us and He now declares us flawless in His eyes. This means we can now enjoy true and lasting peace with God, all because of what our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, has done for us. Our faith guarantees us permanent access into this marvelous kindness that has given us a perfect relationship with God. What incredible joy bursts forth within us as we keep on celebrating our hope of experiencing God's glory!" - Romans 5:1‭-‬2 TPT

You don't have the ability to say no to sin but it is grace that teaches you, read (Titus 2:12). If you understand the Grace of Jesus, you won't use it to license sin nor be legalistic in your walk with God but as Paul the Apostle taught in Romans 8, you will indeed walk in the liberty of the spirit!

You can't be a Christian with your own power, it will make you fall miserably and in shame, we need God to walk this journey! #lovedbyGod #staywithGod

Friday, April 15, 2022


Happy Good Friday beloved friends I hope everyone is well and in good health! May this day be a delightful start to your life. May your confidence in Jesus Christ give unrestricted harmony and joy to your heart. Have a blessed decent Good Friday!

I lay conscious this morning and pondered internally that, regardless of whether I was the only one person on earth, He actually would have come to lay down His life for my sake! It wasn't about numbers, the affection exhibited on Calvary is an Individual and by Individual, I mean, He loves me actually and personally.

The affection for God is a "Crazy kind of love" The way befitting! Presently the term, "...wild love of God", isn't saying that God Himself is crazy. Nonetheless, it is said that the manner in which He cherishes, is in many respects, so. What I mean is this: God is absolutely uninterested with the outcomes of His activities concerning His own wellbeing, solace, and prosperity. He doesn't really mind that His standing is on the line when He cherishes me. He doesn't mind that many will address, "Why?" His affection isn't sly or smooth. It's not shrewd or keen. His affection bankrupted paradise for me. His affection doesn't see Himself as first. His affection isn't egotistical or self-serving. He doesn't consider what He'll acquire or lose by putting Himself out there for me.

He essentially offers Himself if I could glance back at Him and give myself as a tradeoff. His affection isn't tricky or smooth. It's not tricky or savvy. His affection bankrupted paradise for me. His affection doesn't view Himself as first. His affection isn't self-centered or self-serving. He doesn't consider what He'll acquire or lose by putting Himself out there for me. He basically offers Himself in case I could glance back at Him and give myself as a tradeoff. So, for what reason is wild? Since, imagine a scenario where I'm leaving the 99 to observe the 1, He loses the 99 and just gets the 1.

Consider the possibility that in excusing the reprehensible, He loses His respectability and notoriety of being a hod that evades sin. His adoration is wild since it jumps over dividers and flies over mountains for a scoundrel very much like me. What way of adoration is this? The love of God, the love given to? 

Continuously stay merciful, figure out how to pardon and show up for those out of luck. On this serious event of Good Friday, I wish everybody a blessed day. Rededicate ourselves to serving humankind. Things to gain from this day sympathy, penance, Absolution!

May this season guide us past the awfulness of the Cross toward the expectation of the vacant burial place. Good Friday lets us know that there is potential for everlasting life for Christ has vanquished passing. Jesus loves you, happy good Friday! #happygoodfriday #lovedbyGod #staywithGod

Friday, April 8, 2022


People get frustrated by what they don't understand. They subconsciously mock what they desire. They sabotage what they know. So, hear it from me, Concealment is power. Be so PRIVATE that they can't do NOTHING but assume. They can never destroy what they don't know. #healthylifestyle #concealment #herestolove #happyfridayeveryone #longweekend #takenotes📝

Tuesday, April 5, 2022


"Are you sure, Peter?" Jesus said. "In fact, before the rooster crows a few hours from now, you will have denied me three times." - Matthew 26:34 TPT

Peter never thought it was possible, that he would betray Jesus. That he would mess up so badly that it would hurt someone he loved deeply. Listen, sometimes we can mess up and surprise ourselves, but it doesn't surprise God. He knew Peter. And If Jesus told Peter that he was going to deny Him, don't you think He knew we'd fall too? Don't you think he knew you'd fornicate? Commit adultery? Steal? Cheat? Lie? Betray your loved ones?

God knew when and how you were going to mess up long before you did. And I'm here to tell you that, He forgives you. Not in part, He forgives you so sufficiently that He has kept no record of your wrong doings. #riseup #victorious #forgiven #loved #grace #mercy

Saturday, April 2, 2022


Blessed new month beloved! I hope everyone is well and in good health.

"The fountain of your pleasure is found in the sacrifice of my shattered heart before you. You will not despise my tenderness as I bow down humbly at your feet." - Psalms 51:17 TPT

God doesn't show mercy to a heart full of pride, He always shows mercy to a contrite, surrendered heart. That is why, in the book of Luke 18:40, when the blind man was crying out, "Son of David, have mercy on me"... Jesus was demanded by the systems of divine integrity to stand and pay attention. There were masses around Him, the clock was ticking, He had a mission to fulfil, but because a contrite heart was crying out to Him, the Jesus had to stop!

In Isaiah chapter 6, after beholding God, the Prophet said, "Who am I for l am undone in your presence, I have unclean lips, surrounded by unclean men, yet my eyes have seen the Lord." His acknowledgement of his inadequacy ushered him into a realm where He could see God and experience His mercy. The Bible says, "it was at the show of mercy that his iniquity was taken away." Every great man and woman are a product of God's mercy. In all fairness, if you'd be honest with yourself, you will never credit the results of your greatness to qualifications or intellect. God's mercies have really qualified you to experience the supernatural.

Deuteronomy 8 warns us that, once you succeed, you might be tempted to say, "my power and exalt the might of your hand." Because often, when the spotlight is on you, it becomes embarrassing to credit the honor to another. There is something about men and our itch and desire to be celebrated. 

But God says, "there are men and women that will rise in these end times, you'll look for where the wow factor is in their lives, and you won't find it because it is hidden in the mercy of God invested in their lives at the instance of their brokenness." 

Behind their frailties will be the jealousy of the true living God. They'll rise and all you'll trace it back to will not be their qualifications but their brokenness before the Lord. Praying that you all have an amazing month, may God be your guiding light. #graceupongrace #lovedbyGod #staywithGod #lifehopeinspired


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...