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Monday, December 27, 2021


I am a very reserved person, which is both my weakness and strength. I don't make decisions in a rush, I am slow to anger and sometimes I see things and keep them to myself for peace sake, I believe that's strength too.

Then comes the weaknesses being a reserved person can make people undermine you just because you don't say much and you are calm, people are used to chaos and being bullied that when they meet a different person, they think they can take advantage of them, another weakness is delay, because you are reserved person, you take time before you unfold, sometimes situations force you to unfold quickly just to stretch you a bit.

However, everything you need, everything you want for your life, is within you. You have been created in such a way that everything about you compliments your life, your dreams no matter how big you think they are, you have bigger capacities inside of you, your weaknesses work together with your strengths to give the end product of who you are supposed to be if you let them. 

I am reserved but courageous so when fear sneaks in telling me what I can't do because I am not loud, the courage walks in and tells me exactly why I am the right person to do it because I am not loud. I learned not to hate myself for the things I am not instead I look at all that I am not, and I see opportunities of who I can be, because inside of me there is a whole lot more than my weaknesses.

The same with you... if right now there are people who are aware of what you lack, your weakness and possibilities are all these people think you won't make it, don't be the next person to bring you down, be aware of your weaknesses and know that they don't make you a disqualified candidate, there is so much more in you that makes you over qualified, that makes you deserving, that makes you worthy, that makes you amazing as much as you are aware of your weaknesses, your past, your background be aware of the wisdom too, the perseverance, the patience too and the kindness that makes you worthy of the position you want, the business you are about to open, the lives you're about to touch and watch as your weaknesses work together with your strengths to create the force that you are. You make so much sense, as complicated as you are, you make so much sense.


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...