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Monday, March 11, 2024


Happy new week! Embrace each day with positivity and purpose. Set goals that challenges you, but also allow a room for self-care.

In a world riddled with uncertainties, fear often acts as a barrier to our aspirations, causing us to doubt our own potential prematurely. This self-doubt, whether it's hesitating to pursue a desired job, questioning our eligibility for further education, or setting aside any cherished dream, originates from a fear of failure. 

However, it's essential to transcend this fear and advocate for ourselves. Approach opportunities with courage and faith, understanding that each endeavour is a step closer to achieving our aspirations. 

Joshua 1:9, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." 

This verse encourages us to confront our fears with resilience and faith, relying on God's constant presence and assistance. Let us resist the temptation of self-doubt and pursue our objectives with confidence, trusting in God's divine plan. Remember: Never allow self-rejection to hinder your journey!

#courageandfaith #dreambig #aspirations #trustinGod #newweekpositivity #mondaymotivation #purposefulliving #goalsetting #resilience #learnandgrow #positiveimpact #selfcare


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