"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."
How awesome is that? The words "come boldly" caught my attention immediately. It's like an invitation to stride confidently into the presence of God. We don't have to tiptoe or hesitate; we can approach God with assurance and trust.
And get this; it's the "throne of grace" we're talking about! That's not a stern courtroom; it's a throne of favour, kindness, and help. How amazing is it that God's disposition towards us is one of grace? It's like an open invitation to His love and mercy.
So, the verse goes on to say we're coming for two things: mercy and grace. Mercy for those moments when we mess up, and let's be real, we all do. It's God's compassion and forgiveness just waiting for us. And grace? It's the kind of help we need in the nick of time; strength, wisdom, whatever it may be.
Picture this; you and I, confidently approaching God's throne, not timidly, but boldly, knowing we have access to His mercy and grace. It's not just a Sunday thing; it's an everyday, every moment kind of thing.
So, let's embrace this invitation to boldly come before God, knowing that His throne is a place of grace, mercy, and the help we need exactly when we need it. What a privilege we have! #boldlyapproachinggrace #throneofgrace #mercyandgrace