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Tuesday, August 1, 2023


Hello August! A new month, a new opportunity to practice the art of speaking less and listening more. In a world filled with noise, let's take a moment to embrace the power of silence and thoughtful communication. By speaking less, we open ourselves up to truly understand others, cultivate deeper connections, and learn from different perspectives.

As the Bible says, an abundance of words can lead to sin, but those who control their speech are considered wise. Remember, silence cannot be misquoted. Refrain from announcing your dreams prematurely or sharing personal matters too quickly. Value your opinions and make them significant. When the urge to respond arises, take a deep breath, remain composed, and remind yourself that responding with ugliness is not what God desires. Embrace the virtue of silence, for it is not only precious but also exemplifies true class.

Sending you love, and may you have a fantastic month! #happynewmonth #helloaugust


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