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Monday, August 21, 2023


A revelation emerges regarding the identity of a Christian, outlining their divine relationship with God. The Scriptures proclaim that we share in the inheritance of Christ, ruling alongside Him from celestial domains. We're deemed His ambassadors, entrusted to establish His kingdom on Earth through divine authorisation and commission. In summation, we're temporary sojourners on this planet, sent forth with the promise of eventual return.

Significant blessings come to fruition when we realise our identity in God, not merely our relationship to Him. So, what's your stance? Are you divinely aligned? Do you synchronise with His purpose? A framework exists that aligns with righteousness; divine favour isn't exclusively contingent on correct prayers. Instead, it favours those who comprehend and master heavenly principles. This underscores the importance of affirmations, as they trigger your Christ-centered identity, positioning you for a heightened connection with God.

Let's declare together:
- I embody God's presence, creating His atmosphere. In my steps, He moves; I reflect Him in this world.
- I am not just a victor but an overwhelming conqueror!
- I thrive in Christ's abundance, self-sufficient in His sufficiency!
- I am fortified and shielded by His might!
- I stand as His instrument of battle, forever ready for spiritual warfare!
- I possess strength beyond measure!
- I consistently lead and never lag behind!

Today, favour shall trail behind me! Blessings shall envelop me. Prosperity shall recognise my name, in Jesus' name. #happyweek #blessings #blessedlife #blessedandgrateful #blessedbeyondmeasure #blogger #christcenteredliving #Godisincontrol #favouredbyGod


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...