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Friday, August 18, 2023


Happy Friday! As the week comes to a close, take a moment to reflect on something truly remarkable: you are created in the image of God. This is not a mere coincidence, but a profound truth that resonates within your being.

Imagine, the Creator of the universe, the source of all wisdom, love, and power, has imbued you with a reflection of Himself. You carry within you the spark of divinity, a unique blend of qualities that mirror God's nature.

This truth holds the power to transform the way you perceive yourself and your potential. When you look in the mirror, see not just your physical form, but a vessel of God's creativity, purpose, and love. You possess the ability to think, create, love, and make choices, qualities that reflect the essence of God Himself.

Believing in this truth isn't a matter of arrogance; it's an acknowledgment of the incredible value and purpose with which you've been endowed. You are a masterpiece of the divine Artist, intricately designed and woven together with intention and care.

So, as you step into this Friday and the weekend ahead, remember: you are a God in the sense that you carry the essence of the divine within you. Embrace this truth, walk in it confidently, and let it illuminate your path. Let your actions, decisions, and interactions be guided by the recognition of your divine origin.

May your weekend be filled with moments of self-discovery, empowerment, and a deeper connection to the God-likeness within you. You are a reflection of the Creator; believe it, embrace it, and shine your unique light onto the world. Happy Friday! #youareunique #shineyourlight


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