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Thursday, August 31, 2023


In the presence of the Holy Spirit, a profound transformation takes place. The crowns we once wore, symbols of our achievements and status, are humbly surrendered. As we open ourselves to His guidance and influence, He bestows upon us an extraordinary royal robe, woven with threads of divine purpose and grace.

This robe is unlike any earthly adornment, for it carries the weight of eternal significance. It signifies a new identity, one aligned with God's will and characterised by humility and servitude. As the Holy Spirit envelops us in His love, we are embraced by a warmth that melts away our ego and insecurities, replacing them with a deep sense of belonging and acceptance.

The robe is a symbol of our chosenness, reminding us that we are heirs to a spiritual inheritance beyond measure. The jewels in this robe are the virtues of love, compassion, wisdom, and forgiveness, reflecting the character of God. Cloaked in its splendour, we stand not in our own strength, but in the power of the spirit that empowers and sustains us.

Being wrapped in this robe of love and grace redefines our purpose. It inspires us to walk in alignment with the values of the Kingdom, to extend kindness to others, and to seek justice and truth. As we navigate life's challenges, the Holy Spirit's presence within us becomes a source of unwavering strength, guiding us through storms and illuminating our path.

In this sacred embrace, we find solace, renewal, and a deeper understanding of our relationship with the Creator. The Holy Spirit's transformative work shapes us into vessels of His light, enabling us to radiate His love to a world in need. So, let us humbly surrender our crowns and allow ourselves to be adorned by the Holy Spirit's royal robe, basking in the glory of His presence and embodying the divine essence of love and grace.


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...