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Saturday, July 29, 2023


Today, I had a profound and personal conversation with God, where I poured out my heart and questioned the purpose of life, often entangled with pain and heartache. Throughout history, the scriptures don't record anyone who had an easy path to purpose.

When God calls you to discover your purpose, it requires digging deep, tearing down walls, and spending time in tears before His altar. Vulnerability becomes a necessity if God is to use you. You must be strong enough to face judgment and persecution yet wise enough not to respond in kind. Purpose isn't a simple journey; it demands unconditional drive, sweat, endurance, and resilience.

Recently, I came across vicious and heartbreaking things on the internet, some directed at me and others at you. People are tearing each other down instead of seeking reconciliation with God. These battles are relentless for believers. But I urge you, stand strong! The attacks from others won't prevent God from blessing you. To make it in this world, you must develop tough skin.

God's voice resounded in my heart:

"I am after your heart, not your pain. I allow these challenges to test your focus. Many things will try to distract you, but if you fix your attention on Me, I will provide you with strength and wisdom. Even in obscurity, I am working. Those who are for Me will remain steadfast and confess Me as their Lord and Saviour, even in the fiery trials.

You become disturbed when you focus on other things, but you find peace when you fix your eyes on Me and My words to you. Your attention on Me will keep you walking on water and guide you on the right path. The world offers distractions, but I have disarmed its power to harm you. Focus on Me, and I will accomplish what you couldn't on your own. Trust Me, and I will show you a better way. A life of focus aligned with My purpose is what I have planned for you. As your heart remains fixed on Me, you will see Me when I return, for you will be looking for Me."

Thus says the Lord. I love you, be encouraged!


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...