Spiritual growth is not coincidental in as much as it's not inheritable, it is however intentional. One will grow because they consistently and persistently without ceasing in all seasons make a willful decision to invest into their spirit man.
With that being said, we must never run away from the fact that we will only get to exude what we are ever aware of. Our outward and public fruit is the expression and nature of the power that's at work in us. May we choose as early as this very moment to be the good stewards of the time given unto us so we may act accordingly in due season.
Because reality is that, how and what and who we spend our time on and with respectively culminates to what and who we will be (grown up or still need a wheelbarrow push). Nothing is sore bitter to the heart than having to be a tree that's wanting of the fruit on the day of personal visitation of the Lord.