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Sunday, July 17, 2022


Happy Sunday loved ones, may this one be the refreshing one yet! I hope you are still well and in good health. 

Realised this recently; in any case there's a void in a human spirit that can't be loaded up with money, support, human love, motivation, liquor, or some other delight. At the point when one went through the most in later years, it sincerely took Jesus to assist me with snapping out of the dim spot.

Motivation is wonderful, standing up is extraordinary however your spirit needs the spirit of God. His voice can calm your spirit amidst disarray. His voice can arrive at places no other person can. There's domain over our own which is otherworldly, that is particularly persuasive to us, despite what you accept. The battle between the realm of light and the realm of darkness is for your spirit!

The world is dark in view of transgression, malicious rules, also, as you go through the ongoing earth to forever, you really want Jesus to moor your spirit. Satan vanquished the principal men, also, you are the same, that is the reason your assistance should come from a higher place.

Thus, Jesus needed to leave the privileged position, needed to become human, needed to go to the grave and revive, needed to make up to save you! Save you from wrongdoing and the judgment to come. However long you breath, no expectation is lost, accept in Him was, who is and who is to come, praise Jesus forevermore! #walkoffaith #borntoovercome #youngandsaved


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...