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Friday, March 25, 2022


I always knew I was different. Not out of arrogance but out of the realisation that I barely fitted in settings that were default and created to limit my unique ambitions. It was difficult to exist in spaces that dictated how I was to turn out. Whenever I felt my wings were clipped and my ability to fly clinched, I became uncomfortable, never conforming and always wanting more and better against all odds. To the extent that some assumed I was the most difficult to handle because I asked questions, I wanted to know who said what, why I couldn't go beyond the set "red tape", and why only certain individuals were allowed and not the rest of us.

Somewhat, almost like a rebel, I saw a lot of barriers that were set and created to disbar individuals from dream, from aspiring to break free and pierce the glass ceilings. Now the breakthrough eventually came when I discovered my purpose. I realised it was possible to go beyond the towing line, to pierce the glass ceilings and break open some doors. One had to refuse to be told certain privileges and certain spaces belonged to a certain few. If anything, I was a certain few, I decided to go for it.

I think that everyone should! It's our birth right anyways! Just shoot your shot, go after what is yours and don't let made up red tapes and manufactured lines derail you. Have a nice weekend. #selflove #selfcentered


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...