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Wednesday, March 2, 2022


Hello Family, I missed you all so much. I greet you all with the blessings of the Lord!

I have been spending some time in prayer and l have come to realise that the subject of God will always serve as a system of advantage in our lives that proves that the best of man has been examined in time and has still been found to fail. We are extremely inadequate in ourselves and can only be filled through the filling of Christ! Even Peter's skill was tested and tried, but failed, for when mercy is ready to work, you don't need the boat, you need too only find Jesus!

As the year has started off, there are distinct and particular lessons and teachings you must hear and live by as a child of God, these teachings will be the wings that will carry you through the rest of the year. Have you found Jesus? And if you have how well are you wearing Him? Are you a written epistle that shows the world what it means to be born again?

I know January and February were a difficult months for a lot of people. Some were nervous about new ventures, jobs, goals while others were trying to acclimate to loss of loved ones, of jobs, or even the loss of a dream... but despite every storm faced till now our hope still remains; God is present! In every season, in every situation, God is present and He will provide you with what it is you seek, that which you lack! God shall provide. 

There is no person who became great within the dignity of kingdom systems, that did not go through adversity. Greatness is sharpened and forged in the furnace of adversity, don't fight it, embrace it. Don't question it, trust God in it. The generations that are to come will talk only of those who obtained God's promise through faith, patience, wit and fighting power!

God is about to shift things in your life, to steer you away from your ordinary routines, and bring forth a wealth of blessings. Accept the uncomfortable environment; it will all work out in your favour! #staywithGod


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...