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Wednesday, September 22, 2021


Sometimes we tend to think that the only way we can carry God's badge of honour is if we make it look easy. But God doesn't call us to make it look easy, He calls us to make it look real. On His way to the cross, Jesus made a small detour so that He could allow emotion to sweep Him over.

He cried and asked God to let the "cup" pass Him. Destiny at stake, millions of lives on the line, but He refused to lie and make it look like the decision to be nailed to the cross was something easy. We all know what's at stake and what's on the line. We all know that destiny has a cost and harvest has a price but that doesn't mean it comes easy. When life gets hard sometimes, I never forget to tell myself that it's okay not to be okay sometimes. 

Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it's painful, but l will never rob myself the opportunity to weep at the feet of Jesus. If we never feel weak, His strength cannot be made manifest in our situations. And I know that even when I cry, it doesn't end in God's disappointment because He knows, I'll still do it for Him ANWAY! I'll do it standing! I'll do it kneeling! I'll do it crawling! I'll do it crying! I'll still fight, win, and serve Him anyway. That's not weakness, that's transparency! #holdontight #believeinyourself #trustthewait #trusttheprocess


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...