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Monday, January 3, 2022


Happy new year; happy new month everyone. May this one be the best one yet! 

Be careful of the roots of the words you use to describe yourself. I pray that this year you will realise that as beautiful as "strength" is. The problem starts when we seldom hear that certain types of people are stronger. Instead, we hear about 'strong' people in the context of 'power.'

You see my problem with the connotations of strength is that its disposition is painful. For most of us our strength emanates from pain, oppression, opposition, fear, and guilt, you name it. And in fact, we are always strong because we are almost always fighting a struggle.

I am teaching myself to get back to a place of drawing strength from my seat of power and not the opposition of pain, place of authority and not defense. A state of being and not of function.

For me... it begins with mastering that power and then conquering whatever it is that dominates you so you will know which battle is yours. Not every day is easy, the journey itself is hard, even for me. I have to constantly remind myself that not every yoke is my portion. Not every obstacle requires me to go to war. That is the true art of battle. Understanding that strength and power are two very different things. Strength requires that we exercise it to prove to ourselves and others that it exists. Power, well that's a whole other ballgame. Power is a state of being. It is when other people exercise their strength when you walk into a room in your power! #powerofpositivity #knowyourvalue


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...