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Friday, November 12, 2021


Happy Friday loved ones. Taking time off to rest and recalibrate is as important as moving forward. Don't wear yourself out as you journey along, take some time off to rest. Take diligent care of yourself. Relax. Isolate and center yourself back. It doesn't all have to happen today; you can try again tomorrow!

Nobody talks about how hard it is to transition; we don't talk about the transitioning period enough. From being single to getting into a relationship; from studying to working, from marriage to divorce, from being carefree to becoming a parent, from having family to suffering loss... we don't talk about the season of transitioning because we are just ready to get to the other side, we overlook this season of pain, anxiety, shock and honestly confusion.

I've been thinking about how as humans we are good at suppressing our emotions because we are told to be grateful for what's coming or told "but you turned out okay". You don't have to be okay if you are struggling with change right now, whether it's good or bad change it's okay for you to feel overwhelmed by it all, it doesn't make you less grateful it makes you human.

Beloved, keep this in mind, any type of change will come with new dynamics and unexpected anxiety. Don't suppress those emotions you are feeling. Deal with them, embrace them and get through them. #recalibrate #readjust #restandrecharge #loveyourselfalways #takecareofyourself #dontgiveup


Smile, laugh, and love, for God is always at work. Just because you can't see any changes now doesn't mean He has stopped working. I...